1. Stoatie

    Diagnostics Needed- Yeovil area.

    I was Bournemouth originally but moved to Perranporth, the map shows me in Perran
  2. Stoatie

    Diagnostics Needed- Yeovil area.

    I don't have any diagnostics I'm afraid, I'm also about 150 miles to west of Yeovil so wouldn't be much good even if I did have them.
  3. Stoatie

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    You could just throw coffee at it ;)
  4. Stoatie

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    Right so been out to check to see how bad the damage is, it looks like the ignition loom has shorted out on something and is completely toast. But it doesn't look as if it's spread to much else. Will know more when FiL turns up to tow it back home and I can get the dash apart properly...
  5. Stoatie

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    There's supposed to be one this Sunday, if the weather holds up and as long as no one else sets their car on fire. :( (pics to follow)
  6. Stoatie

    Is this the Slut of all Landies?

    I'm owner number 22 of mine, so that must make it fairly slutty. ;)
  7. Stoatie

    Need a reliable and not a rip of landy mechanic in Bournemouth area please.

    Try Stunning Services in Springbourne, I had him do most of the welding on me rangie.
  8. Stoatie

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    Ooh do I get a badge or a speshul name tag or sumfink? o_O I was ok with Events Planner but I think president is just too much responsibility :eek:
  9. Stoatie

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    OK, Monday night 7 O-clock 6 people at the Treleigh Arms all phoned and booked.:D That was a lot less painful. :rolleyes:
  10. Stoatie

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    Still on Tuesday or moving back to Monday again?
  11. Stoatie

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    Right I tried to book for Tuesday but they're not able to do any evenings as her chef has done a disappearing act. She said to try calling later in the week and she might be able to sort something out. It might be easier to find somewhere else, what about http://www.treleigharms.co.uk/ in Druth...
  12. Stoatie

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    Tuesday works for me, or we could go elsewhere if Monday is the only option?
  13. Stoatie

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    Just phoned them and they don't do food Monday evenings. :(
  14. Stoatie

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    I can call, have we got a final head count?
  15. Stoatie

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    Fox and hounds at Scorrier sounds good, I can make it between Perranporth and Redruth fine. Is it worth letting them know we're coming, so they can arrange to have all their staff turn up this time.
  16. Stoatie

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    Sounds good, I can't go too far afield as my engine is about ready to turn into a giant piece of shrapnel at any given moment.
  17. Stoatie

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    I'd be up for a pub meet.
  18. Stoatie

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Noticed a burning smell on the way home from shopping. Pulled over went to pull the handbrake up and realised it already was. That'll be the smell then. :oops: Officially an idiot :(
  19. Stoatie

    LZ international Rescue Map-Everything you needed to know

    No, you ain't put me on yet. :p
  20. Stoatie

    Classic Noisy LT95

    Since I changed the gearbox oil in my LT95 it has developed what I can only really describe as a sort of mechanical growly noise. It only does it after it's warmed up, wasn't there before I changed the oil. Which was surprising as when I drained it I only got about 2.5 litres total out both the...