Thank you, It's nice to feel that my hard work is paying off :)
Yeah, I will be in Carnmenellis so still not far from Helston.

I have been trying to railroad the wife into letting me buy another landy, I want a Disco 3 but the wife is more set on a freelander2 or disco sport. I have to admit, for what they are designed to do they can do it very well. light chugging across the field and then nip in to town without any fuss.

I however, have my sights set on something V8 powered like a stage one :D
Nice area,i stayed in the pub,golf club hotel in Wendron,a few years choose the vehicle that suits both your needs,you can get a toy to play with anytime,good luck with the purchase.;):)
When's the next Laning outing in these here parts? I'll bring the Coffee Landy for perfect coffee when we get where ever we're going! Gratis by the way.
When's the next Laning outing in these here parts? I'll bring the Coffee Landy for perfect coffee when we get where ever we're going! Gratis by the way.
There's supposed to be one this Sunday, if the weather holds up and as long as no one else sets their car on fire. :( (pics to follow)
Right so been out to check to see how bad the damage is, it looks like the ignition loom has shorted out on something and is completely toast. But it doesn't look as if it's spread to much else. Will know more when FiL turns up to tow it back home and I can get the dash apart properly.

Really glad I carry a fire extinguisher in the car now
Merry Christmas to my fellow Kernow n Devon laners. Betsy is now going into rehab for some much needed TLC, well the hole in her butt needs sorting and a bit of a mop of the scratches inflicted by those stupidly tight Devon lanes lol. I'm now officially white van wo(man) .....but we'll be hanging on to her for the mo, although we may be on the move to North London ...and I'll only be taking her if I can get a parking space inside the wire ...or she'll defo get nicked up there :eek:
Merry Christmas to my fellow Kernow n Devon laners. Betsy is now going into rehab for some much needed TLC, well the hole in her butt needs sorting and a bit of a mop of the scratches inflicted by those stupidly tight Devon lanes lol. I'm now officially white van wo(man) .....but we'll be hanging on to her for the mo, although we may be on the move to North London ...and I'll only be taking her if I can get a parking space inside the wire ...or she'll defo get nicked up there :eek:
North London!,god forbid,why you moving there muds.
Looks like Hubs might be working at an HQ there, between Watford and Harrow, place called Northwood. Nothing confirmed yet but he's been sort of head hunted so I guess it's on the cards.
Looks like Hubs might be working at an HQ there, between Watford and Harrow, place called Northwood. Nothing confirmed yet but he's been sort of head hunted so I guess it's on the cards.
Well done to IAN,but you will become a sloane ranger now,all posh an that,lol.:D:D
Looks like Hubs might be working at an HQ there, between Watford and Harrow, place called Northwood. Nothing confirmed yet but he's been sort of head hunted so I guess it's on the cards.

Nuttin wrong with Northwood, nice area. Easy into town on public transport or drive, and a half hour from some really nice countryside the other way! :)
Mostly very well heeled area with big gardens, should be lots of gardening work too.
Easy drive to one of my very favourite pubs, the Royal Standard of England, just outside Beaconsfield.

Good on Mr Muds for being sought out for that! :cool: Spect you will enjoy that more than Pompey. Hope it comes off! :)
Happy new year chaps and chappesses!

Hope you all had a nice winter! I'm still stuck abroad working and there isn't an excess of jobs in Cornwall so I'm still stuck here dreaming of my 109. It does however give me great opportunity to read a lot and the shopping list has got quite extensive. Although my mind wanderings have taken a slight wander down the path of supercharging.......

I hope you are all well and hope to see you soon!
Happy new year chaps and chappesses!

Hope you all had a nice winter! I'm still stuck abroad working and there isn't an excess of jobs in Cornwall so I'm still stuck here dreaming of my 109. It does however give me great opportunity to read a lot and the shopping list has got quite extensive. Although my mind wanderings have taken a slight wander down the path of supercharging.......

I hope you are all well and hope to see you soon!

Nice to see you again, mate! :)

That series didnt look like it needed anything doing to it, just drive it, very adequate to your needs as is! :cool: Save your money for hay for those gee-gees! ;)

Cant say I have had a nice winter, now into our third consecutive month of record rainfall, one inch of rain yesterday again, the ground is a pudding! :( All laning on hold until ground conditions improve! :(
Nice to see you again, mate! :)

That series didnt look like it needed anything doing to it, just drive it, very adequate to your needs as is! :cool: Save your money for hay for those gee-gees! ;)

Cant say I have had a nice winter, now into our third consecutive month of record rainfall, one inch of rain yesterday again, the ground is a pudding! :( All laning on hold until ground conditions improve! :(

Its out of MOT at the moment but isn't moving much anyway so it doesn't matter. I lathered the chassis in Dinitrol before I left so that's the most important part looked after. It needs a new clutch master cylinder next time I'm home but that's easy. Ive only been ordering things to improve the interior, some door cards and insulation. The horses get none of my money! :) Still house hunting for something with land but nothing ideal comes up and not willing to spend a fair wack on something that will just do.

Oh no, that doesn't sound good at all! Cows can't be happy being stuck in all the time! How is your ninety? I'm missing home a lot now, not been back since September.
Its out of MOT at the moment but isn't moving much anyway so it doesn't matter. I lathered the chassis in Dinitrol before I left so that's the most important part looked after. It needs a new clutch master cylinder next time I'm home but that's easy. Ive only been ordering things to improve the interior, some door cards and insulation. The horses get none of my money! :) Still house hunting for something with land but nothing ideal comes up and not willing to spend a fair wack on something that will just do.

Oh no, that doesn't sound good at all! Cows can't be happy being stuck in all the time! How is your ninety? I'm missing home a lot now, not been back since September.

Good situation with your wallet and the horses, I approve wholeheartedly! :)

What happened to the place up on the granite, then? Thought it was full steam ahead last time we spoke?

Ninety is fantastic, as usual! :D Never had such a good vehicle before, although some of my series were able!

Big farming fred in AG, about here and some other peeps farms and kit, if you want a butchers! ;) :)

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