1. B

    Fitting Paddocks Rear Bench Seats

    Do away with mole grips and get youngest child to hold spanner.... a cash saving on a pair of mole grips... Land rover economy motoring ! lol
  2. B

    How much paint?

    Did mine, 2 coats outside only with a 4 inch roller, just over a litre, but wasn't a colour change....
  3. B

    I've bought a what?

    Carol Nash classic car insurance.... side faceing rear bench seats dont require seat belts....
  4. B

    Be My Hero Brakes Pulling Run out of Ideas .

    Front shoes and drums £40.00 Rear shoes and drums £36.00 ( Buckley bros, not genuine but hey ho ) Fitting time 2 Hours Messing about swapping bits around not knowing which bit is knackered £ ???? Time.. days/weeks Conclusion... the lot amounts to less than a dozen packet of fags.... and...
  5. B

    S111 gearbox - something horrible has happened, me thinks

    Had the same thing a couple of months ago... did all the half shafts out and stuff... twas the gearbox... picked up a second hand one from ebay... £100.00... still have the old one if anyone wants it... never took it to bits to find out what it was ( its a roundtoit )... biggest job was taking...
  6. B

    where to begin with a restoration

    The above suggestions are right... make a list of what needs doing to make it usable.... do those.... then spend 20 quid on paint and a 4" roller... so it looks usable as well... then drive it and enjoy it... its a landy.. it will be noisey... it will let water in... it will drip oil on the...
  7. B

    Is it the timing chain?

    Never had the chain problem on a landy but had an mgb years ago with a chain... tensioner wore and there was a very distinct clattering from the casing even though it still ran... of little help I know... but have you got a rattle at the front of the engine... it was excess play in the chain...
  8. B

    My first landrover - What should I know?

    Put petrol in it... check oil and water... and drive it !!! Smile a lot and wait for the first thing to fall off it !!!!!!!!! pmsl Seriously... drive it and enjoy it for a while before you pull it too bits... that helps keep your head above the water when you really have to mend the damn thing !!!
  9. B

    79 s3 leaking brake fluid

    Mine did exactly the same few weeks ago, it was the seals on the master cylinder, I just changed it, that was easier than messing about, did the rubber pipe whilst I was at it, easy enough to do just a bit of a fiddle getting it in, one of those jobs you need fingers 7" long ! Bleeding took a...
  10. B

    Truck Cab roof removal watch-outs?

    I have taken my whole roof off in the past... reverse into garage... unbolt... put rope under roof from roof beams... pull up an inch or two... drive off.... leave roof hanging... to replace... reverse in... lower roof... drive off again !.... only problem now... so much crap in garage cant...
  11. B

    How seriously do you take passenger safety?

    Jesus h christ.... get a life.... if your going to do something unbelievably dangerous... you know... parachuting... bungie jumping... go for it... your driving a land rover up a green lane... live a little on the wild side.... some of us remember when there wern't any seat belts... and god...
  12. B

    Today I have....

    A litre of deep bronze green from Buckley Bros, a 4" roller and a 2" brush ! lol
  13. B

    Today I have....

    Click the thumbnail.....
  14. B

    Today I have....

    Painted my landy !
  15. B

    Head Gasket ???

    Head gasket between 3 and 4..... just goes to show... follow your first instincts eh ! Oh well.....
  16. B

    Head Gasket ???

    Had a mate round for inspiration and double check all the bits I've done so far... thats what mates are for eh ! Anyway... what we did discover... having the benifit of two sets of hands... when one of us removed the plug for number 3 cylinder the rattle stopped !!! Theres no rattle when the...
  17. B

    Head Gasket ???

    Ah well.... now done the ht leads, dizzy cap, points, condenser and plugs... still running horrible ! When driving it there seems to be a metalic rattle ( ? ) (sounds like an exhaust rattle) coming from the rocker cover, I've had that off..... run it without the the cover and nothing seems out...
  18. B

    Head Gasket ???

    Right here we go... just checked ht leads... they're in the right order... just run her for 10 mintes on three quarter throttle.... top hose soft as putty... no muck or mayho in the oil... I guess this is all pointing at it NOT being the HG.... I'll hunt for a condensor tomorrow.... thanks so...
  19. B

    Head Gasket ???

    Thanks guys... all good stuff... got a funeral today ( no not the landy ! ), I'll put the overalls on on Monday and let you know how I get on ! Where's cheapest for a compression tester ??? lol
  20. B

    Head Gasket ???

    Had a run out bank holiday monday... came back on what I thought was 3 cylinders... new leads... plugs.... dizzy cap.... and... still same... except only running on 2 !!! Checked spark to the offending cylinders, 3 and 4 no problem with the spark... I'm leaning in the direction of the head...