
New Member
I'm thinking of taking the cab roof off my S3 pick-up truck to soak up some rays - what are the watch-outs? Will everything else stay in place or do I need to remove any other bits? Thanks for your thoughts.
You might have problems with the seat belts, unless they're the original fixed ones (or using the same fittings)
You will get wet.
You'll need a good tarp to keep everything dry when parked.
The tarp will leak and leave you with a wet bum.
You'll need a piece of string to keep your hat on.
You'll need a lockable box to keep anything valuable in if you leave the vehicle.
Taking the door tops off looks better.
DON'T lose any of the fixings.
Your chances of pulling will increase by 50%
50% of nothing is still nothing.....
Try and get hold of a Bikini Top, handy for sudden downpours.

Seat belts can be over the shoulder attached to centre bulkhead.
just undo all the bolts (loads across the windscreen) then when you've got them all undone you can stand inside and lift the whole thing off in one, but careful because it wants to tip backwards because of the weight of the back, so the balance point is right at the back of the roof, with it on your back put your hand on the front edge above the windscreen else it tips backwards a bit out of control!
or just get someone to help you I spose but no need really
I have taken my whole roof off in the past... reverse into garage... unbolt... put rope under roof from roof beams... pull up an inch or two... drive off.... leave roof hanging... to replace... reverse in... lower roof... drive off again !.... only problem now... so much crap in garage cant reverse in.... doooh !!!!
Took the hard top of of my swb some years ago, drove around for a couple of years summer and winter - brilliant fun if you have the clothing (used to ride a bike so no problem there). Ended up putting it back on 'cos the interior was getting very scruffy with the exposure to the elements. Perhaps a full tilt is the way to go?
just taken the top off mine,took an hour all the bolts over the screen snapped off and one door top stud seized but I expected that anyway ,wife and daughter love it now and I will only get wet if it rains plus no need to sweep out the front now the crap just blows away
Get yourself a 'bikini' top...quick to put on if/when it rains...plus you wont get 3rd degree burns on your head/ears during those long english summers i miss so much...
Get yourself a 'bikini' top...quick to put on if/when it rains...plus you wont get 3rd degree burns on your head/ears during those long english summers i miss so much...

Only problem is you'll look like a pair a tits with a bikini on a series:D:D:D
Thanks everyone. Will take some before and after pics. I'm not sure which will look better. As for pulling... think my pulling days are over. Still you never know - a gold digger might mistake me for landed gentry. Thinking that I look shabby chic or something...
Thanks everyone. Will take some before and after pics. I'm not sure which will look better. As for pulling... think my pulling days are over. Still you never know - a gold digger might mistake me for landed gentry. Thinking that I look shabby chic or something...

heres a pic

Mine was a hard top too - rapidly got fed up with things falling out the back so I made a tailgate from some bits of speedframe, an old pallet and some door bolts.
Mine's coming off too as soon as the grass pollen drops a bit and I can stop ****in sneezing.
Oh that it superb! Love it. Mine's coming off for painting very soon - perfect opportunity for some topless fun and games.
Thank you for an excellent idea, off-roading on Saturday. it only seems fitting to do it top down - laugh at all the disco and rangie boys who can't as easily drop the roof off :)

I thought this was a Land Rover forum, so why the picture of a "pair of Rolls Royce Merlins"?;)

Slacken rear most fasteners, remove all other fasteners. Lift front high enough to slide a plank right the way across the tub, sticking out at both sides.

Reason? The hardtop can spead and drop off the tub. Makes life interesting.

Then remove rear fasteners, and slide anothe plank across.

Drag the hardtop backwards, ensuring that you don't lose the planks, until you pass the centre of gravity, then tip down until h'top is standing on its back panel, Drive away.

Much easier if you have a mate.

When taking the Hard top off, never fill the tank more that 1/2 way and make a note of the location of all multistory car parks.

The 1/2 tank is for when it rains and you can pop in to a garage and fill up.
Garage owners are lot happier to let you stay if you've spent some cash.

You can work out the multistory car parks for yourselves.
Not taking my roof off again, did last summer and some fecker dropped a roll of bail wrap on top of me nice shiny undented roof when it was in the shed..

I might have gotten a bit bored tonight... :)

I have also realised the errors in my ways - i have no garage.

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