1. Rustyrus

    Does discovery radiator/cooling pack fit a defender

    Hi guys, I've not been in here for many years, I thought my defender times were over for good when I sold up but apparently not I ended up getting a completely standard 1997 300tdi defender a couple of years ago. Long story short....the chassis on it was ok, not great but ok. I decided I would...
  2. Rustyrus

    New project

    Its a two pack paint, its a fleet paint from a paint supply place here, acrylic I think but not certain of that, its the one with the bad **** in it, isocynides I think its called, proper respirator required I was told! Anyway, it was quite reasonable, about sixty quid for five liters and twenty...
  3. Rustyrus

    New project

    Frozen white 2k, looks good, picture doesn't really show it so well!
  4. Rustyrus

    New project

    The only other ones are the paint job!
  5. Rustyrus

    New project

    Again, not a very unusual conversion, 2.5 n/a out and 200 tdi disco in
  6. Rustyrus

    New project

    Ok, so I found a few more pics, not very good at remembering to take them as I go so its just a few randoms! four new outriggers and a crossmember, usual story! Thought i needed just three outriggers, ended up needing four so fabricated the last one, couldnt be arsed waiting for a new one!
  7. Rustyrus

    New project

    I think I have a few, try and find them and stick them on later!
  8. Rustyrus

    New project

    So its only taken three and a half years so far to get to this! http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll14/erisort/20121031_130545.jpg
  9. Rustyrus

    Check this on your landy!!

    ok heres pics, new panhard rod bracket on axle, home made spring mount on chassis, apoligies in advance if Ive made an arse of putting up pics :)
  10. Rustyrus

    Check this on your landy!!

    I think I just made up that name :)
  11. Rustyrus

    Check this on your landy!!

    yup, doughnut bush thing at the chassis end and a normal bush at the axle end, I will post some pics later as I an putting a spring mount on the chassis right now and have taken a few, the tie rod bracket is in some of them i think
  12. Rustyrus

    Check this on your landy!!

    Kind of, on my fathers it snapped the uj, on mine it broke the flange!
  13. Rustyrus

    Check this on your landy!!

    yup, same here, excellent quality parts 7 quid each plus p&p, vat etc, did your prop get damaged?
  14. Rustyrus

    Check this on your landy!!

    Just thought it might be worth sharing my near miss with my defender so you can check yours out! Few weeks ago on my fathers defender, while driving out a track, the rear tie rod mount ripped off the axle resuting in a snapped propshaft and an axle left at a funny angle! Exactly a week later...
  15. Rustyrus


    I would also use a new reel of wire if the one you are using is very old
  16. Rustyrus


    What does it do, or not do as the case may be! does it work at all?
  17. Rustyrus

    Steering all over the place.

    Aye, it's a bit hairy at times alright. The way I spotted it was have someone drive it back and forward, just a couple of feet, and watch the rear axle for movement
  18. Rustyrus

    Steering all over the place.

    rear trailing arm bushes, at the chassis end, happened to me last year, symptoms were exactly the same
  19. Rustyrus

    Door trims 200Tdi

    I had the same problem so just replaced the clips LAND ROVER DOOR CARD FIXING STUDS (GENUINE) X 10 on eBay, also, Land Rover, Car Parts, Cars, Parts Vehicles (end time 28-Mar-09 21:31:43 GMT)
  20. Rustyrus

    Defender wheel hubs 1991 v 1997

    The drive flanges on the older ones are quite a bit thicker, causes the bolt heads on the drive flange to foul with some wheels