Its not to bad, the engine is blown but it came with a disco 200tdi engine on a pallet so a bit to be done
Ok, so I found a few more pics, not very good at remembering to take them as I go so its just a few randoms!
four new outriggers and a crossmember, usual story!


Thought i needed just three outriggers, ended up needing four so fabricated the last one, couldnt be arsed waiting for a new one!
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Its a two pack paint, its a fleet paint from a paint supply place here, acrylic I think but not certain of that, its the one with the bad **** in it, isocynides I think its called, proper respirator required I was told! Anyway, it was quite reasonable, about sixty quid for five liters and twenty five quid for 2.5 liters of hardener, enough to do a complete inside and out respray

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