1. Z

    any 1 got a spare diff for sale north west

    my back diff gone any 1 got 1 i could buy off them in ther north west area
  2. Z

    funny noise back right wheel

    there is as funny noise comin from my back right wheel i thought it was my bearings but ive changed them and its still there, when it first appeared i was driving down the road and it sounded like somthing snapped with a judder but it still drove an got me home but i did drive slow. thanks paul
  3. Z

    snapped back shocky

    ive snapped my back right shocky at the joint at the top were it meets the 2 rubbers. the lanny has got a 2 inch lift will i be able to get 1 shocky on its own or will i have to buy a new lift kit ill put a pic on later thanks paul
  4. Z

    Transfer Box Gear Lever Housing

    i got a new linkage from a breakers yard in bury 01617977050 landrover breakers try them bit far from u though
  5. Z

    hill and ditch

    there is a play and pay day on on easter its in moldsworth cheshire if any intersted ive never been myself so dont know what it is like, im sure theres a few in the norwest area that would like a day out, check the website out hillandditch.com
  6. Z

    if my back diff was on its way out

    just jacked it up an there is play in the wheel safe to say its the bearing. i undone the first nut and the second nut needed tightening it was loose the hub still has a bit of play in it, are bearings easy to do do i have to take the hub. thanks paul
  7. Z

    if my back diff was on its way out

    they seem ok when both gear sticks in neatural there is play in them but thats normal isnt it to be honest i think its my back driver side bearing sounds like its comin from there anyway will put new ones in on sat might aswell change them both thanks paul.
  8. Z

    if my back diff was on its way out

    ive pulled half shafts out there fine ill try pulling forward later i was thinking it could be a wheel bearing.
  9. Z

    if my back diff was on its way out

    nice 1 will look now
  10. Z

    if my back diff was on its way out

    no mate will do in a minute though nice 1, how can i check them though apart from looking at them and havin a play about with them, what would bee the signs if they r ****ed, thanks paul
  11. Z

    if my back diff was on its way out

    if my back diff was on its way out would there be a grinding noise comin from underneath if not what would cause it, its not a clonking noise more like metal on metal thanks paul.
  12. Z

    Pay and Play sites in West Yorkshire (To visit or For Sale!)

    try hill and ditch its in frodsham not the area u said but worth ago there web page says it needs a manager or its closeing down u never know they might sell it.
  13. Z

    briercliffe quarry burnley

    ill go to this defo
  14. Z

    were can i get a transfer box linkage

    does any 1 know were i can get a transfer box linkage ive been to my lacal landrover p;arts centre they said they have them on back order and dont know when they will be in. also how much r they a 1 brakers have got 1 for 56 quid i got told they were only about 15 quid. thanks paul.
  15. Z

    help my brain is pickled

    thanks i just spoke to him he said one of the linkage bars was a little bit bent but he straightend it im going to buy a new 1 tomorow would that cause it though i wouldnt of thought so. all the gears are the wrong way round as if he's put it in wrong, is there many things he could of got mixed up
  16. Z

    help my brain is pickled

    my mate just fitted a new transfer box for me, i used to drive round with the diff gear stick to the right and down thats the way it was when i bought it, when i used to go up an down hill diff was across to the left and up, since he's changed it its all gone to **** diff is to the left and down...
  17. Z

    transfer box linkage

    my mate is putting a new transfer box in y disco an he is having trouble getting the linkage out and as it is sunday tomorw i wont be able to buy a new 1 if he snaps it has any 1 in the northwest area got 1 or were could i buy 1 thanks paul.
  18. Z

    does any 1 have a spare transfer box i could buy in the north west area

    my transfer box has gone does any 1 have a spare 1 1 coul buy in the north west area thanks paul
  19. Z

    help think ive blown my back diff

    if it is my transfer box how much am i lookin at for a new 1 or can i get a recon 1 and how much would i get charged for it to be fitted thanks paul.
  20. Z

    help think ive blown my back diff

    while i was stuck i was in diff and my back wheels wernt moving at all after i got winched out when u disengaged diff it drove for a few yards then stopped like it went into neutral with a clunk but it will drive in diff lock, think the prob is back halfshaft or diff ill have a look tomorow...