1. eddie-taro

    2003 freelander diesel n/s/f calliper

    got one now........thanks for your help!!!!:):)
  2. eddie-taro

    2003 freelander diesel n/s/f calliper

    hello all, sorry havnt been on here for ages:o a mate of mine has a 2003 freelander 2.0 diesel and the front n/s calliper is siezed, has someone got one for sale or put me onto someone who has please. thankyou in advance:D
  3. eddie-taro

    hi from herts

    welcome m8, got here in the end!!!!!!! :welcome2::welcome2:
  4. eddie-taro

    welcome jamie!!!!!

    welcome jamie!!!!!
  5. eddie-taro

    Essex lanes

    I'm up for the end of september.......if my truck makes it through the mud run at abingdon!!!
  6. eddie-taro

    Essex lanes

  7. eddie-taro

    Essex lanes

    Now I have been laning with hilux4x4 and I can honestly say he is a great bloke, he respects the rules and always does his home work before a day out. He took me out on my first laning trip with another load of top blokes off this forum, his knowledge of the lanes was very impressive, if I...
  8. eddie-taro

    Essex lanes

    Have a great day lads, hopefully no break-downs.. see ya next time.
  9. eddie-taro

    Essex lanes

    george, looking a little doubtful for sat, gotta go to beccles to pick some wheels up. might be there might not.sorry.
  10. eddie-taro

    Essex lanes

    Mike done a good job last time.
  11. eddie-taro

    Essex lanes

    so is next saturday on?? is it ok if i come?? (being a non landy!!!)
  12. eddie-taro

    Essex lanes

    Nice one.
  13. eddie-taro

    Essex lanes

    Hey george, i'm off work that day (20TH) and would love to come along if thats ok???
  14. eddie-taro

    Essex lanes

    Hapy new year lads, looking forward to getting down violets lane soon.
  15. eddie-taro

    Essex lanes

    Sailsbury plains was great on sunday, we are trying to sort a trip to the devils punch bowl soon, I'll keep ya posted.
  16. eddie-taro

    salisbury plain this sunday

    Im there sunday (29th Nov)with another group, I'll give you all a wave when we pass!!!
  17. eddie-taro

    Essex lanes

    Your welcome m8, anytime!!!! Keep me posted on the next one, if you change your mind about Sunday, sailsbury plains, give me a ring, it'll be a great day.
  18. eddie-taro

    Essex lanes

    It was in places, I made it through without a snorkel, luckily!!
  19. eddie-taro

    Essex lanes

    Lads, just like to say what a cracking and strange day we had. Thanks to Mike (hilux4x4) for leading us through the day. Violets lane has now changed its name to "Bemuda triangle lane" !! (very strange). Hope everyone made it home, looking forward to the next one. Great bunch of lads!! (Pics...
  20. eddie-taro

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    I second that m8!!!!!! IM from HERTS!!!