:):):)it was my first outing to the plains bloody loved, nothing to extreme no pressure to get involved with anything that looked ify. great bunch of people who didn't mind taking time out to show me the ropes... i was worried about getting stuck and slowing everyone down but my mota coped well. think were planning another outing pretty soon?
:):):)it was my first outing to the plains bloody loved, nothing to extreme no pressure to get involved with anything that looked ify. great bunch of people who didn't mind taking time out to show me the ropes... i was worried about getting stuck and slowing everyone down but my mota coped well. think were planning another outing pretty soon?
how does sun the 13th dec grab ya?
yeah not quite the words i used at 6am in the rain freezing my nads off!

think its just the valve, was told to used inner tubes from now what yuo think?

not the best solution depends what type of tyre u have(cant remember was it grabbers?)
some tyres inside will wear out an inner tube
yeah think think there goodyear grabbers or something like that. 13 th is good for me still waiting to hear from jon

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