1. D

    Front wheels locking up at low speed in wet?

    Check your front calipers slide ok and not seized or sticking, check the pistons also move back and out without problems. Discs you can check runout with a DTI gauge see if not warped and pads not glazed. Worth a brake bleed for the price of a litre of fluid and do check rear brakes as...
  2. D

    Poor Cabin Heater

    Thermostats can come in summer stats about 82c and winter stats 88c see if you can get a winter stat and do make sure the matrix is clean of no gunk inside back flush with a hose pipe you would be surprised at the silt that comes out and will restrict flow and heat.
  3. D

    Battery died on me today? And the hastle it caused after!

    Charge the battery up over night and let it settle the gases for 30 mins. then put a drop tester on the battery and see if any cells bubble if you can see them it should hold for 9 seconds without dropping. You may have a weak battery or one with low amps for your application, ie extra lights...
  4. D

    TD5 110 won't start, please help

    Put a 12v light to the starter solonoid wire and go to start does it shine bright if so you have your feed and a faulty starter. Do make sure the engine earths are clean remove and clean up or make new cables.
  5. D

    cb radio channels

    Uk 19 is for mobile use which seems to be the popular one everyone and his dog sits on. Eu channels can be fun lots of europeans coming through of late worked into Spain last week. :-)
  6. D

    Where to source a turbo, West Yorkshire?

    Turbo's fail due to poor oil circulation so a fresh oil and filter change every 5k or 6 months as moisture does mix with oil when cold and been stood. Let it idle after a thrashing for a few seconds before you switch it off, the key is the oil starvation and well you found out didn't ya.:o
  7. D

    black smoke

    Over fueling. Check air is not restricted, is the air inlet blocked? Check air filter is not blocked or very dirty?
  8. D


    Is your heater hot? If so it should be circulating ok, you could feel the back of the head see if it's hot etc. The gauge if you pull the temp sensor wire off and put to earth ignition on it should sweep over to hot and stay there without jumping about or dropping, this will give you some...
  9. D

    200tdi horrible knocking sound

    Have you checked the oil level?
  10. D

    Defender Bender: My 110

    The repair panel is that welded over the top of the original or are you cutting out the panel and fit the new one and weld it in place? What is usually done? Did you set the valve clearances when rocker cover off? Did mate's diesel other week found them all tight made a huge differance to...
  11. D

    Leg room for us tall ones.

    Thanks for the replies those rails look like box tubing and that bulkhead is much neater idea.
  12. D

    Leg room for us tall ones.

    Will the Defenders have enough leg room for us tall drivers as standard im 6ft 4? And i have seen some runners that can be mounted further back to give some more is there room to fit these on a 90? Thanks.
  13. D

    Project 90 300TDI shi**er

    That brake disc looks a tad red like it's been getting hot, do check it slides ok in the caliper and may be worth some new pads and discs. A nice tread this and those rusty spots will clean up have you got a mig welder on the ready?:D
  14. D

    Smoking on start up

    A good result there now take it for a good thrash or i prefer " Italian tune up" and get it hot before you do and spank those revs up some and watch the crap blown out the tail pipe. This you want to do often not every day.:D
  15. D

    6 cylinder diesel for a Defender 110

    Years back the SD-23/25 was used this been the 4 cylinder diesel found in the pick ups but the TD-42 and manual box may fit. Re-built a td-42 some time back it uses mostly same parts to td -27 as found in Terano/mavericks so parts pletyfull. Also in forklifts.
  16. D

    6 cylinder diesel for a Defender 110

    Nissan TD-42 what a engine and nice and easy to work on uses same td-27 pistons a great engine should you be able to find one.:)
  17. D

    mini brake shoes

    There adjusted from behind the drum and you need a square type of spanner to set the shoes up, the spanner is easily available don't use mole grips please.
  18. D

    To Camouflage my Discovery or not? This is the question.

    If you must cammoflague it do it in North African desert colours thats sandy yellow with black cammo. It's deffo different to the usual green. Or wrap that looks like key scratches then the next lot you get will blend in....:D sorry.....:D
  19. D

    Engine Bay Porn (Photos)

    Thats my sort of engine now you will spot any leaks on all that dry mud.................. Don't wash it be dirty like my ex wife..........
  20. D

    300 tdi vibration

    Is this at idle or when driven? If driven check prop bearing, at idle water pump/alternator bearing. More info required.