1. dale1438

    defender 90 td5 running rough

    i doubht the copper washers have dropped off as they was a tight fit! the injectors just dropped in and i though at was it wish now i had given them a slight push to make sure they are seated correctly! but will remove them and check them over aswell!
  2. dale1438

    defender 90 td5 running rough

    i just guessed them, did slacken them off tonight and tighten them back up not as tight made no difference! its definatly got to be them as engine was hard to turn over! when set up! will take injectors out and put them back in again i think or get my mate to do it! cheers shifty! will keep...
  3. dale1438

    defender 90 td5 running rough

    well thats nearly 3 hours of tinkering and they still tap! didnt to begin with but once it got warm they did! noticed that even with the adjuster wound right out some of the rockers are still extremely tight! so i am now wondering if the injectors are seated correctly, but got a mate coming...
  4. dale1438

    defender 90 td5 running rough

    yes i did adjust them while hot, i realise my mistake now. should of adjusted them from cold! no the timing chain wasnt off so the timing wont be out! off out to adjust them now and then go for a steady run with it! will let you know how i get on but thanks alot shifty, your help is much...
  5. dale1438

    defender 90 td5 running rough

    well i did check them again when hot! turned the engine over until one of the injector rocker was sitting on the highest point of the cam then wound it all the way down and back off 1 turn! take it thats correct? i did have to turn the engine over to remove 2 injector that shoulds make a...
  6. dale1438

    defender 90 td5 running rough

    just wondering if any one had any experience with this? have just replaced my injector seals on it tonight and adjusted the cam followers as described on here! took it for a sort run and got back and its making an awfull knocking noise, slightly metalic! did have to turn the engine over to get...
  7. dale1438

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    well i hope these help ryder, might be able to get a few more when i go through my college notes as im doing level 2 welding for my aprentiship. Weldability | SIF Weldability | SIF
  8. dale1438

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    hi all, hope everyone is well? need to get some front recovery points sorted, cant fit jate rings as my steering guards in the way, would these do from paddocks and bolt them onto my front bumper? PM725 Recovery Eyes - pair - Galvanised
  9. dale1438

    what is wrong now

    that smell does relate to batterys being overcharged i would say! have you checked the levels of the battery since getting back?
  10. dale1438

    Cooking oil in TD5

    well thats good news! beens im an agricultural engineer that stuff is readily avaliable after service's, good clean stuff aswell :)
  11. dale1438

    Cooking oil in TD5

    another question - would clean hydraulic oil out of tractors do the same job as engine oil?
  12. dale1438

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    its just started snowing here :) will probs go out later!
  13. dale1438

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    i am definatly looking foward to this snow, if we get it that is! cool pics of the weekend!
  14. dale1438

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    does the snorkel have a part number on the box?
  15. dale1438

    pic of the year 09

    just a couple of my motor.
  16. dale1438

    Classic RR on Top Gear tonight

    great program was really entertaining haha, best program on telly over christmas by far!
  17. dale1438

    Whaddon 27th December

    i bit annoyed, i could of come to day as what i was doing got cancelled! hope you all had a good day! will be nice to see the pics! cheers for reminding me about top gear booger it sounds pretty gd!
  18. dale1438

    love it or hate it

    that it pretty neat, needs some serious tidying up and a lick of paint!
  19. dale1438

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    merry christmas all have a great day!
  20. dale1438

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    i think carpy is refering to the freelander in a ditch haha. nice work carpy!