1. J

    could sedimenter cause cutting out?

    Hey Dave, I've cleaned out the Sedimenter and it was full of rubbish as you suggested it would be. The car has been fine for a few days, so I thought it was sorted but today it has cut out twice whilst in traffic. Again it started again after approx 20 attempts. Engine turns over fine in the...
  2. J

    could sedimenter cause cutting out?

    Many thanks Dave! I'll get the spanners out tonight and let you know how it went. Really appreciate the pics too! James.
  3. J

    could sedimenter cause cutting out?

    Morning all. I could really do with your collective help please! My 300tdi is cutting out and a friend suggested the sedimenter as a likely cause. Would that sound right? Once cut out, it usually restarts after about 10th turn over. Please help! Thanks, James in Lancaster
  4. J

    cutting out diagnostic help please.

    Hey guys. My 95 300tdi with 145k is cutting out. No warning, just dies. Restarts after several attempts and then runs fine. Usually worst if I've used it, leave for a short while, then do a short trip. Sometimes fails to start if left for 30 mins between trips. I've changed fuel filter and no...
  5. J

    300tdi alarm issues

    Hey all. I've got a comedy malfunction and hoped I could pluck some of your collective wisdom! 95 300TDi Disco 1, 5 door manual. Standard in everyway. My alarm keeps going off intermittently. It can go off if the car is locked or unlocked, if the ignition is on, and also as I'm driving...
  6. J

    drag link steering problem

    Cheers all!! 3ft bar and some grunting seems to have got it tight as a drum and all the play has gone. Defo some play in some of the ball joints still so I'll do them when I get a mo. Many thanks for the advice as always!! James
  7. J

    drag link steering problem

    Hey All, 95, 300TDI, 134000, with everything standard. Quick question about a steering problem please. The arm that attaches to the bottom of the steering box that goes to the ball joint that attaches to the drag link, is loose. (I can easily move it up and down with one hand). The play is...
  8. J

    leaking from rear diff / prop area

    I'll check that breather when I'm in there! Good advice ta!! Got the seal from Rimmers yesterday, but don't think I can get my hands dirty on the diff til next weekend as I've got to do the timing belt this weekend prior to MOT thrashing for emissions! Fun Fun Fun! Fantastic advice on this...
  9. J

    leaking from rear diff / prop area

    Cheers Guys!! I'll endeavour to get that done in next few weeks, meanwhile it saves on waxoil! J
  10. J

    leaking from rear diff / prop area

    Now I know it is usually a good thing to see oil leaking out of my 95 300TDi (122k) as it meant there was some in there but...... I've got some oil leaking out of the rear diff where the rear prop inserts. The rotation of the prop has promptly spread it everywhere which may be a bonus from an...
  11. J

    what disco to choose

    The missus and I sold both our cars and got a '95 300 tdi without sunroof. Paid £1250 for it on 104K There are loads about, just check for where they leak! We use it for everything including some pretty sedate off road work. Other than putting new floor in the back due to rust, it has been...
  12. J

    Diff lock stuck or not?????

    Thanks all!! I can confirm that the Diff lock is Not engaged. The reversing trick worked a treat!! I cannot select diff lock now though which is a bit of ****er! The play that I was referring to is side to side ie. from near side to off side. When the transfer box is in the high ratio with...
  13. J

    Diff lock stuck or not?????

    A bless ya!! Many thanks!! Any ideas on the lever being able to move to and fro even though its back in the high ratio position??? Is that as bad as I think it sounds??? I know i know..... I always want more!
  14. J

    Diff lock stuck or not?????

    Cheers chaps, I'll give that a go when I finish work in about an hour. Forgive my lack of transmission type knowledge but..... What will that do in realation to the transfer box? Just trying to satisfy my "what the bejeesus is going on there" part of my brain! Ta J
  15. J

    Diff lock stuck or not?????

    Please help. 300TDI 95 with 111000 in lancaster. Came down iced up hill this morning with low ratio and diff lock on to descend. Took it out of diff lock to then drive on the normal non-iced up roads but the diff lock light on the dah stays on. I can put the lever of the transfer box back...
  16. J

    freeing up your Discovery 1 Difflock linkage

    That all sounds like amazing advice. Quick question though.... If the transfer box moves back and forth across the neutral position (ie diff lock on or off) but the diff lock light stays on.... am I right to assume that this is not going to work for my 95 Disco1 300tdi? oh and even if you are...
  17. J

    HUOOOGGE Turbo lag on 2.5 TDi

    Blimey!!! thanks all. It's a manual and I'm in Lancaster. I've just driven by brothers and they are not too different. I think it is more my inexperience than a problem, but I'm gonna look at all the advice given! Well chuffed at such a good response!! I'll let you know what occurs...
  18. J

    HUOOOGGE Turbo lag on 2.5 TDi

    Hello all. I'm afraid I have not contibuted too much to the forum and being the cheeky sod that I am, I'm begging for some help! My 95 Disco 1 300 Tdi (109000miles) has plenty of grunt when the turbo kicks in but there is a monster amount of nothingness before it does. Am I just being a...