
New Member
Morning all. I could really do with your collective help please! My 300tdi is cutting out and a friend suggested the sedimenter as a likely cause. Would that sound right? Once cut out, it usually restarts after about 10th turn over. Please help! Thanks, James in Lancaster
Morning all. I could really do with your collective help please! My 300tdi is cutting out and a friend suggested the sedimenter as a likely cause. Would that sound right? Once cut out, it usually restarts after about 10th turn over. Please help! Thanks, James in Lancaster

Hi James, there is a good chance your mate is right and it's an easy job to clean out the sedimentor, to see if that resolves the matter.

You will need an 11mm ring spanner, a rubber mallet or similar, something to catch the small quantity (less than 1ltr) of lose diesel in.

The sedimentor is located on the inside of the chassis rail, just in front of the rear offside wheel. It looks like a fuel filter.

Feel for the 11mm bolt on the top of the assembly in the middle. Using your ring spanner completely undo the bolt.

The sedimentor bowl is now only held in place by the 'stiction' of the rubber seal. Use a rubber mallet to gently tap the bowl to release it and catch the loose diesel in an ice cream tub or similar.

Here's some pictures of one I did earlier:



It is not all unusual to find a jelly-like substance in the sedimentor.


If this doesn't resolve the problem, then it is like to be a 'leak-back' issue, but we'll deal with that if needs be.

Good luck

Many thanks Dave! I'll get the spanners out tonight and let you know how it went. Really appreciate the pics too! James.
Hey Dave, I've cleaned out the Sedimenter and it was full of rubbish as you suggested it would be. The car has been fine for a few days, so I thought it was sorted but today it has cut out twice whilst in traffic. Again it started again after approx 20 attempts. Engine turns over fine in the starter motor, but does not fire, then it just starts up fine on a random turn of the key. You mentioned that this could be a leak back issue. Any chance you could let me know more about that? Many thanks again for your help, James
Hi james
I had a similar problem with my 300tdi.

Have you tryed changing your fuel filter.

Might be full of ****e.

I bypassed my sedimenter and changed the fuel filter. never had a problem since.

I would try changing fuel filter first.

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