1. Short fat bloke

    Great Dorset Chippie Run Part Deux piccies & moo-vees fred

    That werent me, I was in a Lifted sickly green one?
  2. Short fat bloke

    Great Dorset Chippie Run Part Deux piccies & moo-vees fred

    PM me your email and I'll send all of the ones of you over to you.
  3. Short fat bloke

    Great Dorset Chippie Run Part Deux piccies & moo-vees fred

    G'day All, Sorry for the delay in posting, been a tad busy. Hope the link works below, Im sure you lot will let me know if it doesnt! :D The Great Dorset Chip run Part Deux, Oh-Facial Piccies Cracking day and great to put names to faces! If any of you want a piccie and cant download...
  4. Short fat bloke

    Great Dorset Chippie Run Part Deux

    Is someone else trying to out eat me???? :eek: Not sure thats possible??
  5. Short fat bloke

    Great Dorset Chippie Run Part Deux

    Yup!!! Cant a nice bit of head can you!?:D
  6. Short fat bloke

    Great Dorset Chippie Run Part Deux

    They usually do, thats why we tend to leave jobs along time before completing them, knowing full well that we'll only get another list once the first ones complete!:cool:
  7. Short fat bloke

    Great Dorset Chippie Run Part Deux

    Well you know what im like for getting under a bonnet?? lol!:D
  8. Short fat bloke

    Great Dorset Chippie Run Part Deux

    Nice one! so less winjin :drama: from the Boss now it starts ok then?
  9. Short fat bloke

    Great Dorset Chippie Run Part Deux

    Proper job!:)
  10. Short fat bloke

    Great Dorset Chippie Run Part Deux

    there was some slight eeerrrr "technical issues" that required some attension on the reccie......besides eating much chippies!!
  11. Short fat bloke

    Great Dorset Chippie Run Part Deux

    All we could smell was chips at the back, so could well have been! Lol! Maybe on the day we should put Ratty behind WLM, reckon he'd enjoy the smell!!:D
  12. Short fat bloke

    Great Dorset Chippie Run Part Deux

    That depends whos pension were talking about? If its yours, im not sure i can it done that quick??
  13. Short fat bloke

    Great Dorset Chippie Run Part Deux

    Nah, dodgey them 4.6's and the maintenance on that particular one has been known to be extremely dodgey......:eek: Nah, I need it ready for Oct 2012 not Oct 2212!! Lol! ;)
  14. Short fat bloke

    Great Dorset Chippie Run Part Deux

    Maybe??? But they might come from next doors lawn mower??:D
  15. Short fat bloke

    Great Dorset Chippie Run Part Deux

    :confused: Twill, with any luck....... or maybe i'll bought anuver one by then?? with a bigger engun??
  16. Short fat bloke

    Great Dorset Chippie Run Part Deux

    Im in "oh Grey Haired one "! happy to lead a bunch to if needed! Might even have the big old girl running by then?
  17. Short fat bloke

    Salisbury plain 24th march 2012

    Sorry Peeps, gona have to pull outa this one, hope you have a good day!
  18. Short fat bloke

    Salisbury plain 24th march 2012

    To be fair when you see what other people turn up in, your start to wonder if the wheels and engun are actually attached very well to their vehicles :rolly: .........Myself included! ;)