1. S

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    nope, not gaylander. disco 1 starter motor set fire to itself. and now, the most awkward bolt holding it in, won't undo. shouldn't have put the fire out!
  2. S

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    what have I done with mine today? set fire to it!
  3. S

    whats wrong with your landy ??

    Wouldnt it be quicker for most of us to list what ISNT wrong with our landies lmao!
  4. S

    Running rough/fuel starvation?

    IT'S ALIVE..... ALIVE!!!! Finally got round to replacing the fuel pipe, and its all working great, better in fact than it was previously lol. Idle is lower and much smoother, no ****loads of black smoke when under load up hills etc, so must have been going for a while. Had a look at the old...
  5. S

    Running rough/fuel starvation?

    ok, one step closer. ran pipe from a fuel can today straight to lift pump, primed it, turned it over and it burst into life and idled better than it normally does. so it basically leaves the fuel pipe and the sender, cos I'm thinking if there was water in the fuel, as the car has been stood for...
  6. S

    Running rough/fuel starvation?

    Gonna be doing this later in the week, cos I cant get out at the moment due to re-tearing my knee yesterday sliding on some snow covered ice, so my brother is gonna come give me a hand while he's off work this week. Just fecking sick of it, snow everywhere, and my landy sat there poorly. The...
  7. S

    Running rough/fuel starvation?

    No smoke came out before it died completely, but there is some black smoke on start, when it does start, which I'm assuming could be unburnt fuel from trying so long. After about 10 seconds it goes, but then so does the revs and it conks out again. Been out to it earlier to check the fuel...
  8. S

    Running rough/fuel starvation?

    As I already mentioned, I checked the sender pipes, and although they are corroded, are still sound under the corrosion. And there is fuel or liquid of some description reaching the filter, so can't see it being the pipes. Really fed up with this now. It's not like its a visible problem like a...
  9. S

    Running rough/fuel starvation?

    Ok, so Ive been trawling through on here trying to find a solution to my little problem, which happened the day before the snow came down, as per sods law. Was out in the car, which Id been out in earlier in the day, and as I was pulling up at Maccy d's noticed it was running a bit lumpy. Pulled...
  10. S

    Weird "rolling, clunking" sound like a marble in the boot.

    penny stuffed down a rear door window rubber, cos thats what my eldest has done recently, and Ive got a similar sound when braking etc.
  11. S

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    yesterday did a full egr blank and removal, and instantly noticed a difference! no massive cloud of ****e kicking out the exhaust for starters.
  12. S

    90 Stolen from Catterick Garrison

    Not mine, but saw it on Northern Echo site as stolen between September 29th and October 4th from a serving soldier stationed at Catterick Garrison. Linky with pics - Police appeal after soldier's Land Rover stolen from Catterick Garrison (From The Northern Echo)
  13. S

    CB Radio App for Android - Anyone used it?

    Sorry to disappoint, but the CB messages on your phone actually stands for Cell Broadcast, not Citizens Band. Bit of a useless setting tbh, never found a use for them.
  14. S

    Fed up - ongoing disco probs

    And it just keeps getting better... Driving down the road today, and heard a clunk outside. Looked in the mirror and saw part of an exhaust rolling along. At first I thought Id just clipped it at the side of the road, but then I wondered if it was mine, and sure enough it was, sodding backbox...
  15. S

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Broke it, again!!!! :(
  16. S

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Oh yes, I have one of those too, member of the dodgy handshake brigade allegedly, think thats why the coppers didnt show at his house one night after I reported something that was going on there. Upset him no end when I chainsawed half of the hedge between us, so his just looks stupid now sat...
  17. S

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    You've got some tosser neighbours too? One of mine this week reported me to the police for parking on the pavement and causing an obstruction... EVERYONE round here parks on the pavement, cos the road is so bloody narrow! Even the coppers said I wasn't causing any more of an obstruction than...
  18. S

    Fed up - ongoing disco probs

    had the swivel ball bolts not been so corroded you cant get a spanner on them no matter how big a wire brush you use to get the crud off, I would have been able to remove it in one. As it was the top swivel bearing was mashed so had to all come apart anyway. Ill be dropping the axle for a...
  19. S

    Fed up - ongoing disco probs

    Well, almost got the swivel assembly sorted. Got hold of a replacement swivel due to the bolts shearing off in it and generally being a bitch, but still couldn't get the ball off. As I'm going to completely refurb the axle in the near future I decided to just do a temp fix basically, and cut the...
  20. S

    Fed up - ongoing disco probs

    ok, so I'm following the lead of others on here and starting a thread with all my landy issues in one place rather than spread around. I have recently had some transmission issues, most of which are resolved, so she then decides to break a swivel bearing too. So because I've had stuff on...