
New Member
Ok, so Ive been trawling through on here trying to find a solution to my little problem, which happened the day before the snow came down, as per sods law.
Was out in the car, which Id been out in earlier in the day, and as I was pulling up at Maccy d's noticed it was running a bit lumpy.
Pulled up, turned the engine off, then when we set off again it was fine, but again seemed a little lumpy, but intermittently.
Halfway home, at a roundabout, it just cut out completely, wouldnt start.
Took a few goes til it started again, but it was extremely rough as though I was running out of fuel (I wasnt).

Sofar, I have replaced the fuel filter and the lift pump, checked the stop solenoid, checked the sender pipes for holes etc, and checked the injectors for caked on crud - still the same.
I eventually get it started by jumpstart, as just turning it over on the battery wont do it, then it runs very rough, as though out of fuel (got half a tank), and then will all of a sudden die as though the fuel ran out, and will not keep going no matter how much you put your foot down to rev it, because it just wont.

Im running out of ideas guys, and also patience.
The sedimentor has been bypassed in the past by a previous owner, so rules that out too.

The only things I can now think it could be, are some kind of ****e in the tank thats being drawn through instead of just diesel, the sender unit, or the injector pump, because there isnt really anything else left to check.

Any ideas, other than burn it lol.
is there air if you bleed it by loosening front banjo bolt on injection pump ,have you checked sender pipes under boot panel ,sedimentor behind chassis os rear wheel
as mentioned above check the fuel pipes coming from the sender unit as they are prone for could also disconnect the fuel pipes and use a compressor to blow them out.
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As I already mentioned, I checked the sender pipes, and although they are corroded, are still sound under the corrosion.
And there is fuel or liquid of some description reaching the filter, so can't see it being the pipes.

Really fed up with this now. It's not like its a visible problem like a knackered uj, so really annoying.
I think there is a primary fuel filter actually in the tank(could be wrong) which Iwas told got blocked in a tdi I used before. Might be worth a look....
No smoke came out before it died completely, but there is some black smoke on start, when it does start, which I'm assuming could be unburnt fuel from trying so long. After about 10 seconds it goes, but then so does the revs and it conks out again.

Been out to it earlier to check the fuel filter and fuses, just in case, and there's a fair bit of sediment floating in the fuel out of the filter, but no water now unlike last week. Think I'm just gonna have to drain the tank and get any ****e out of the fuel etc.
if you have checked all the pipes and are sure that you are not drawing any air and have replaced the common items then its looking like contaminated fuel or possible porous filter housing.
defo sounds like sedimenter in the end on mine i just removed and binned the sedimenter and replaced all the pipework from the tank to the lift pump problem sorted.

believe me i know its not the right weather for doing this but mine gave the same symptoms as yours and when it had been snowing aswell but if i ever get another disco 1 and even if there are no probs i will still remove the sedimentor just for piece of mind ;)
Try running a seporate pipe from the lift pump to a feul can so you are by passing lift pump back and see how it runs this should help with the diagnostic the failt
Try running a seporate pipe from the lift pump to a feul can so you are by passing lift pump back and see how it runs this should help with the diagnostic the failt

Gonna be doing this later in the week, cos I cant get out at the moment due to re-tearing my knee yesterday sliding on some snow covered ice, so my brother is gonna come give me a hand while he's off work this week.

Just fecking sick of it, snow everywhere, and my landy sat there poorly. The day I fix it, the bloody stuff will start melting!!
I think there is a primary fuel filter actually in the tank(could be wrong) which Iwas told got blocked in a tdi I used before. Might be worth a look....

As with almost all fuel pick-ups there is a strainer - not a fuel filter as such.

Easy way to check that is to blast air down the tank pipe to dislodge it.
defo sounds like sedimenter in the end on mine i just removed and binned the sedimenter and replaced all the pipework from the tank to the lift pump problem sorted.

believe me i know its not the right weather for doing this but mine gave the same symptoms as yours and when it had been snowing as well but if i ever get another disco 1 and even if there are no probs i will still remove the sedimentor just for piece of mind ;)

He said the sedimenter has been removed.
ok, one step closer.

ran pipe from a fuel can today straight to lift pump, primed it, turned it over and it burst into life and idled better than it normally does.
so it basically leaves the fuel pipe and the sender, cos I'm thinking if there was water in the fuel, as the car has been stood for nearly a fortnight it would have settled by now surely.

anyone know how to rule out the sender without undoing the pipes, as the nuts are quite corroded and knowing my luck they'll round off or shear on me.
ok, one step closer.

ran pipe from a fuel can today straight to lift pump, primed it, turned it over and it burst into life and idled better than it normally does.
so it basically leaves the fuel pipe and the sender, cos I'm thinking if there was water in the fuel, as the car has been stood for nearly a fortnight it would have settled by now surely.

anyone know how to rule out the sender without undoing the pipes, as the nuts are quite corroded and knowing my luck they'll round off or shear on me.

Assuming your in-tank fuel sender has metal curved pipes at the top of the unit, that will be your problem.

Unfortunately to fix it permanently you will need a new unit. I didn't see the year of your Disco but Paddocks do a range to suit,such as this one:
PRC7129 | Fuel Pump and Sender Unit - diesel
Finally got round to replacing the fuel pipe, and its all working great, better in fact than it was previously lol.
Idle is lower and much smoother, no ****loads of black smoke when under load up hills etc, so must have been going for a while.

Had a look at the old pipe, and can't see where it must have been drawing air in, so glad I just went for it rather than replace the sender and find it still not working.

Bloody cars lol.
Cheers to all for the suggestions.

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