1. mucky`un

    ripped radius arm

    ripped radius arm continued(again) Matey welded on the new one.I was`nt totally happy with it at first due to it partly cracking off when i put the arm back in,I called him back and he cranked the amps up on the arc into the high 80`s and fired i dont know how many rods into it! Just remains to...
  2. mucky`un

    ripped radius arm

    Hi again and thanks to all those who read and replied to my original thread. Went out and bought the replacement bracket from my local landy parts shop in bristol (£17.50) Now just waiting for the rain to stay off long enough for a mate to come and do the honours with the grinder and welder. I...
  3. mucky`un

    ripped radius arm

    towed my trailer up the back lane after a run to the local tip,next thing i know theres knockin & bangin going on under the floor.closer inspection finds the mounting bracket on the rear axle for the radius arm has ripped through:doh: leaving the arm flapping about. anyone else suffered this...
  4. mucky`un

    diesel v8

    been there..rr 6.2 gmc trans chewed x god knows how many times,despite being beefed up. DONT GO THERE!!! You have been warned.
  5. mucky`un

    Glow plug snapped in head.

    blimey thats spooky..were you there?!!!
  6. mucky`un

    Glow plug snapped in head.

    Tried to run with 3..loadsasmoke from under battery tray..turned it off kwik.Think something touched and earth strap got busy.
  7. mucky`un

    Glow plug snapped in head.

    The tip must be carbon or something coz when i tried it on one of the others that i took out,it were`nt magnetic. Long nose pliers? i could`nt even get missus tweezers down that tiny hole...
  8. mucky`un

    Glow plug snapped in head.

    Well,I certainly didnt ask for this one and why does all this sort of crap happen out there in minus temperatures? Already got a thread on the go for battery discharge probs.Anyway the good lady wife treated me to a shiney new set of glow plugs fer me `94 300 disco auto to try and help with my...
  9. mucky`un

    battery keeps draining

    With reference to the alternator test,the guys at the exhaust/battery centre did it while rechecking the new battery.They did some sort of discharge/load/recharge test on it,using some space-age bit of kit that i`ve not seen before.cheers for taking an interest...
  10. mucky`un

    Open door, put grenade in close door- disco woe..

    replaced my matrix without touching a/c. tight,fiddly,tiresome,would`nt want to do it too often but did it.imagine the garage bill for that one! hmmm
  11. mucky`un

    battery keeps draining

    Thanks for all your ideas guys,will try all these tomorrow and any others you may come up with..cant keep nickin` wifes corsa! I feel sure there`s many a 300 owner before me who have had the same story,or maybe its not a 300 thing but a disco thing....
  12. mucky`un

    battery keeps draining

    Right i`ll be first to admit when it comes to electrics..i`m crap! Park my 300tdi auto for more than a few hours and it needs a jump start. Alternator fine,battery a couple of days old and re-checked to make sure not faulty. This all began in the cold weather, not good when i need to be on the...
  13. mucky`un

    rare diffs

    sorry spelt exact wrongly
  14. mucky`un

    rare diffs

    Yes they are 2.82:1 to be excact
  15. mucky`un

    rare diffs

    anyone know what anyone would have to pay for a second hand pair of high ratio 2.8 :1 diffs ? cheers,mucky`un.
  16. mucky`un

    disco 300 headlight probs

    help....anyone? my nearside headlight bulb blew,but it does`nt seem like an easy fix. changed the bulb for a new one and it does`nt work.metered the new bulb and its fine. turn on the sidelights and they are not the same brightness,then fire up the engine and a relay in the passenger footwell...
  17. mucky`un

    chirpy cheep cheep chapter 2.

    Hi Jason,thanks for your input.The shimming idea may be one to think on,maybe more so now because its making me think back a couple of years when the engine was`nt happy to be fitted with new serpentine belts.Every time i tried to fit a new one,it would strip one groove off the belt within...
  18. mucky`un

    chirpy cheep cheep chapter 2.

    Hi again richard,no, turning the steering wheel does`nt make any difference. I also checked the steering pump for endfloat on the pulley while the belt was off & found nothing...Too many components too close together to find the fault easily...mucky`un.
  19. mucky`un

    chirpy cheep cheep chapter 2.

    Ta 4 answers to original thread,still have probs tho`.Buddy of mine (cartman 69) had a gander&listen at my tdi300 serpentine belt/ancilleries ongoing noises.Could`nt make much more sense out of it than me apart from advising me that while WDing a belt may shut it up 4 a while,it can shorten the...
  20. mucky`un

    chirpy cheep cheep

    hi richard, have you got an air con theory for me? mucky`un