
New Member
Ta 4 answers to original thread,still have probs tho`.Buddy of mine (cartman 69) had a gander&listen at my tdi300 serpentine belt/ancilleries ongoing noises.Could`nt make much more sense out of it than me apart from advising me that while WDing a belt may shut it up 4 a while,it can shorten the life of the belt.Anyway,today (sunday) i removed the tensioner&fitted a tensioner bearing kit to the pulley,reassembled,fired the motor&within 30 seconds chirpy cheep cheep was back,another 30 seconds & a piece of shredded belt shot past the side of my head.One thing i noticed was the new water pump i fitted 18/11/06 seems to have a small amount of endfloat on the pulley(almost nil) should that be?Is that my problem? Answers to landyzone please! mucky`un.:confused: :confused: :confused:

Try a new belt! If it still get's chirpy on yeh this can be caused by misalignment of the tension pulley,undo alu block and put a half pence on right side & tighten-still no good undo and put yeh packing on the left side, this usually does the trick-chirp!

oh well!

You'l have to try and get one off fleabay then!!:)

Failing that use a similar shim washer that's approx 0.4mm,1/16 or 0.0156
Hi Mucky,
Could`nt make much more sense out of it than me apart from advising me that while WDing a belt may shut it up 4 a while,it can shorten the life of the belt.
When I said use wd on the belt, I didn't mean as a fix, it's just to determine if the noise was actually coming from the belt. Is it louder if you turn the steering wheel?

Hi again richard,no, turning the steering wheel does`nt make any difference. I also checked the steering pump for endfloat on the pulley while the belt was off & found nothing...Too many components too close together to find the fault easily...mucky`un.
Hi Jason,thanks for your input.The shimming idea may be one to think on,maybe more so now because its making me think back a couple of years when the engine was`nt happy to be fitted with new serpentine belts.Every time i tried to fit a new one,it would strip one groove off the belt within seconds reducing the width lets say from 7 grooves to 6.Got a feeling its found this habit again..trouble is it was so long ago,i forgot how i cured it!!Thanks again.Mucky`un.
all pulleys must be in line. any deviation will cause the effects youve described.
check with a straight edge. misallaignment or bearings usually the problem.

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