1. B

    re mapping

    Not used them but have used Dyna Chip, he does nation wide comes to you and does that area if he has multiple jobs etc, £255 and me Disco used to fly, loads of low down grunt for towing. Good luck Matt
  2. B

    Barmy Brits we are !!!!

    Seen this on todays Sun web site and thought how mad are we Brits, catchy tune and a few 'Fenders' thrown in as well!! Skinny Lister show off their pole dancing skills | The Sun |Showbiz|Music
  3. B

    Green lanes near Coventry

    Well Im sorry to say i sold me TD5 back in June but read landyzone daily just in case I can share my experiences/problems with current landy owners.Own a 3lt A6 Allroad for my sins, makes me smile in a different way. I used go viewing at future 4x4, at Avon dasset, what a site that is, you can...
  4. B

    Jolt when coming to a halt

    Auto or manual, had similar issue with my auto, turned out low oil in auto box, was like gearbox was still pushing even tho car was still felt like a thud at first, might be similar. Good luck mate
  5. B

    Discovery 2 td5 power box v remap pro's cons anyone

    Search Dyna chip and read all the great praise the man has, remap is the only way!
  6. B

    TD5 Auto gearbox

    Driving style whilst towing before remap....... Think ahead, anticipate hills before you hit them, dont ever over take. Driving style post remap........ Think ahead, laugh all the way up hills, over take at leisure when safe to do so. With a 1.6 tonne van on the back you take care...
  7. B

    TD5 Auto gearbox

    Hi, I had a td5 that played up after an oil change to the box, some say leave the oil box alone (do a search), my issue was the same as yours lack of power, and was sorted by not enough new oil being replaced by my inde garage, they failed to do the engine running and go through the gears as you...
  8. B

    remapping disco td5

    theres loads of threads on here about remapping a td5, Search Dynachip as most on here use him, i did too for better mpg and smooth effortless power esp when towing, the chap is proper nice bloke too, total enthusiast and knows his stuff. Dont think too long about doing it, it cost me about...
  9. B

    Auto Or Manual

    Auto for me, easy and relaxed driving, most people have replied with similar choice, one thing to note if you go auto and want a little grunt off the lights plus better ecom, get it remapped. had mine done for towing transformed the car completely.
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    4x4 on summit of Snowdon

    Sorry hadnt seen earlier post about it, I agree right **** that did it, just thought i would share it with ya all!!
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    4x4 on summit of Snowdon

    If only it was a beloved Land Rover that had made it, I bet it gave them a headache getting it down......imagine getting a tow truck up there!! BBC News - Mountain mystery over vehicle near Snowdon summit
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    New Defender for 2015 first pics

    Do we like it? Dont know how but would be worth a vote? BBC News - Land Rover confirms new version of its Defender model
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    can my disco run without a fuel pump?????

    When i did my td5, filled filter with fuel and then repeatedly (about 4 or 5 times) turned ignition key to stage 1, could hear pump scream at first then it got quieter and quieter before i even started to try and go to stage 2 on turn of key(starting her up), she fired up first time, mine always...
  14. B

    First land Rover!

    DOH ! www.discovery2.co.uk
  15. B

    First land Rover!

    Also have a good read on here, I found (as have others) this site well worth a read for tips and know how. Your on the right site for help and assistance although be prepared for some 'ribbin', pee takin and general tomfoolery. Good luck with the new motor mate.
  16. B

    Gone but not forgotten.....ever!

    I feel the same, lots of electrickery so lots of elecfukuppery in the future, i did try and tell her in doors, we wait and see.
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    Gone but not forgotten.....ever!

    Well it pains me to say my beloved Disco TD5 has gone, to a point i told my son to take some pictures of her before we drove off in the new car, I just couldnt do it myself, call me a wuss, I know but I didnt realise how attached I had become to her. Im now in ownership of 3lt Audi Allroad tdi...
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    Discovery 2 back door grill

    I must admit im not suprised at a funny reply above..... I have one of them Weineramas, lovely dog just brain dead at times, my tact is to stand at the boot door, pointing and clenching me fist using the following training script " SIT Da FUK DAWN ya KOONT or I'll BEAT YA".... Love me dog...
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    TD5 fuel pump noise when starting

    Mine has always sounded like a formula 1 car passing on start up, have had many filter changes over the yrs but still makes the same sound each time.
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    2002 td5 auto gearbox problem

    Im sure some one else with more knowledge will advise but for me it sounds like low gear oil mine did this after a oil change, its awkward to do and it helps with two people, have a check on here for how to do it www.discovery2.co.uk Like i said i could be wrong and some one will advise...