1. I

    had my first attemt at metal work today

    Looking good mate, nice one! Like the others have said though just make sure you've got rid of all the rust before you weld.
  2. I

    Advice for would be Owner

    'Ave 'eard that Spiders are alright if you get a good one (& apparently they exist). Mate of mine got one that seemed alright a few years back, but then again he only kept it as long as he had to before selling it on (got it in germany while he was stationed there and imported it when he got...
  3. I

    Been some good sunsets lately

    Some excellant pics, think the above's me fave though! :)
  4. I

    Morocco 2008 - 2009

    Yeah, jealous as hell too. One day I will get my arse into gear and get down to N Africa, so I can play in the sand! :D Have a great trip mate! :)
  5. I

    CAPE TOWN south africa

    I reckon Landrover's South African site's gotta be a good place to start, has a dealer locating widget thingy by the looks of it, as for prices not a scooby *shrug* Land Rover - South Africa
  6. I

    What a Fu**king day

    Sounds more like showing off than whinning to me :D (But then maybe I'm just jealous ;) )
  7. I

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Lol, hate it when I forget to do that, thankfully no serious embarrassments on that score for a while though ;)
  8. I

    powdercoat or paint ?

    Sounds like its gotta be well worth it, nice one ;)
  9. I

    Hi to all

    Hi Mr D, welcome to the forums! :) So was the "gamble" on a RR a good bet? :D
  10. I

    hello all

    Welcome to the boards Freelanderbabe! :) Hope you manage to get your niggles sorted soon!
  11. I


    Its idiots like that what give the whole off roading scene a bad name! :rolleyes:
  12. I

    Expedition Mechanics -Common things that can go wrong???

    LOl, that pic is a classic! :D
  13. I

    Report on Morocco trip

    Can't promise to find it interesting *grin* but definitely keen to take a look when you're done writing it! :)
  14. I

    Going to morroco

    Tell us more, were you mainly off roading, or did you spend any time in the cities too? Had a mate go there a couple of years back & from what he said it sounds like an awesome place! :)
  15. I

    bit of a groan

    Wouldn't worry if it's just happened the once, might be worth looking at if it starts happening more though.
  16. I

    written off!!!!!!!!

    And that children, is why you should always give way to landys! :D Can't believe they wrote yours off though. *shrug* bloody insurance companies! :rolleyes:
  17. I

    First time off-roading today

    Get on mate! Another convert to the cause! *grin*
  18. I

    Why didn't I think of this when doing my maths exams years ago?

    Not what I was expecting, but pretty clever none the less :)
  19. I

    Freelander 2 TD4_e write up

    Mate of mine sent me a link to this Freelander review, so thought I'd share it in case anyone's interested. What do people reckon? the figures and stats on it's green credentials all look pretty good, but are they really significant improvments?
  20. I

    The Best Ever Land Rover?

    Dunno why, but when I look at that beast I can't help but think "frickin' awesome!"