New Member
And I'm still grinning. Took the family on to the Thetford forest byway. The kids were in the back getting thrown about and shrieking with excitement and the missus who was fairly neutral about the idea now seems to be hooked on the concept and was looking at byways around Britain on the interwb as soon as we got back.
The track wasnt too rough although there were a few times everyones head hit the roof and some lovely big muddy puddles to splash through.
The landy took to it like a duck to water;far more relaxing and easier to control than driving on tarmac.
I suppose it was pretty tame compared to real off-roading but it felt like a great introduction to it.
I also seemed to have joined some exclusive club as nearly every Defender driver I passed coming the other day gave me a kind of a salute.
I love it!:D

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