i never knew you were in to it that much me and a mate used to do it every weekend both were sponsored my best at fort william was 6 mins arms were dead used to practice at bringwood in ludlow which is a good track too i have got a giant and my mate a orange 222:D

Oh yeah I'm out mountainbiking practically every weekend and I do about 20 miles during the week on the road too. I had no idea you were into mountainbiking at all. Is it just downhill for you, or do you do a bit of trailriding too? I'm mostly into going on 4 - 7 hour rides into the middle of nowhere and also the manufactured forestry trails in Wales: Nant-yr-Arian; Brechfa; Afan Argoed; Glyncorrwg; Cwm Carn (nice downhill course); Coed-y-Brenin etc. Have you done the Snowdon Ranger path and Rhydd Du passes starting at the top of Snowdon? Top quality natural downhilling that is, and Cadair Idris is good too. I went up Cadair Idris a few weekends ago and it there was ice all over the place - feckin brilliant! Let me know if you want to meet up for a bike ride.
Here is my Def at sunset in a Russia, Onega lake 2 weeks ago
then my Ol' Lady's Freel week late nearby Ladoga lake

Some excellant pics, think the above's me fave though! :)
sorry no landies or dogs in this shot but best i've ever taken (and taken shed loads whilst fishing) this 1 was last year in turkey.

Oh yeah I'm out mountainbiking practically every weekend and I do about 20 miles during the week on the road too. I had no idea you were into mountainbiking at all. Is it just downhill for you, or do you do a bit of trailriding too? I'm mostly into going on 4 - 7 hour rides into the middle of nowhere and also the manufactured forestry trails in Wales: Nant-yr-Arian; Brechfa; Afan Argoed; Glyncorrwg; Cwm Carn (nice downhill course); Coed-y-Brenin etc. Have you done the Snowdon Ranger path and Rhydd Du passes starting at the top of Snowdon? Top quality natural downhilling that is, and Cadair Idris is good too. I went up Cadair Idris a few weekends ago and it there was ice all over the place - feckin brilliant! Let me know if you want to meet up for a bike ride.
mainly downhill but do some trial riding to and yes i have done the track from the top of snowdon, going up is not much fun but going down is great:D
Snowdon from Anglesey


It's a welsh Sunset. Honest!

and another great days laning.

****, might have to reintroduce my quote list at the bottom of sig for that one!!!

You might as well add this one while you're at it

i never knew you were in to it that much me and a mate used to do it every weekend both were sponsored my best at fort william was 6 mins arms were dead used to practice at bringwood in ludlow which is a good track too i have got a giant and my mate a orange 222:D

Sorry 90Boy, couldn't resist it - old habbits die hard:) Don't take it the wrong way... Oh **** I didn't mean it like that:D

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