1. Disco-Skipper

    Disco 2 Rust Repair Quote Reasonable?

    Great words of advice, cheers. I tried some gassless the other week on a mates project and lets just say it wasnt pretty! Will definately get gas and hobbyweld looks like a great shout so will be checking them out
  2. Disco-Skipper

    Disco 2 Rust Repair Quote Reasonable?

    Everyones opinions and input has been a great help, I've got it back on the drive now and have had a good look over it I am going to soldier on with it and am starting to look at welding supplies to get me started, I'll hopefully be somewhat handy by the time I'm done! In the mean time I'm...
  3. Disco-Skipper

    Disco 2 Rust Repair Quote Reasonable?

    Croker vs Rover is a great channel, was already planning on going back over his D1 videos for some inspiration! Unfortunately I dont really have the facilities to take the body off but I've had most of the interior out already at some point for various things so I'm not too worried about access...
  4. Disco-Skipper

    Disco 2 Rust Repair Quote Reasonable?

    It is definately reassuring that others have done the same I can understand why businesses are inclined to charge so much, fairly high skilled work that takes ages and isnt enjoyable - I'd probably do the same if I was them!
  5. Disco-Skipper

    Disco 2 Rust Repair Quote Reasonable?

    Unfortunately it is my daily.... for now. I'm just starting process of finding something which will need less attention to run to replace it while I'm dealing with the disco All your thoughts and advice is much appreciated, I'll be bringing it back home and will see about getting some...
  6. Disco-Skipper

    Disco 2 Rust Repair Quote Reasonable?

    Thanks Kev, I'll have a good scour of google to get an idea of what cost I'd be looking at for DIY - if its worth it I might be joining the 'forced to learn welding' club, all part of the journey I guess!
  7. Disco-Skipper

    Disco 2 Rust Repair Quote Reasonable?

    Mainly just wanted to check I'm not getting ripped off, can't bring myself to let it go so I fear I'm going to do the unintellegent thing and get it done
  8. Disco-Skipper

    Disco 2 Rust Repair Quote Reasonable?

    Hi Guys, I took the disco in for proper undersealing last week thinking that I'd got the corrosion issues sorted as the chassis and inner wings are all good.... oh boy was I wrong! Turns out the body has gone pretty dramatically in all the usual places. The intellegent thing to do would...
  9. Disco-Skipper

    Sourcing Tithonus front cage Brackets

    The ones I've got should be good enough to act as a base / template - its only the cylinder through which the bolts goes thats absolutely toast
  10. Disco-Skipper

    Sourcing Tithonus front cage Brackets

    Blanchard can only sell them as part of the complete roll bar kit which isn't ideal for what I'm after as the rest of the cage is fine, totally understandable that they don't want to sell component parts of an assembly though I'm waiting to hear back from safety devices currently so we'll have...
  11. Disco-Skipper

    Sourcing Tithonus front cage Brackets

    I'll update this thread for future reference if I manage to source a set successfully Cheers
  12. Disco-Skipper

    Sourcing Tithonus front cage Brackets

    I'll give him a try, thanks for the lead!
  13. Disco-Skipper

    Sourcing Tithonus front cage Brackets

    Hi All, Has anyone got any ideas where I might find some new blukhead brackets for the tithonus cage? Mine are more dust than metal now but they should look like this: Any guidance is much appreciated!
  14. Disco-Skipper

    Disco 2 Ait Box Vacuator Valve Blanking

    Thats perfect, you're always the man for the job! Must be better at googling than me Thanks very much, I'll get one of those
  15. Disco-Skipper

    Disco 2 Ait Box Vacuator Valve Blanking

    Hi again all, Wanted to seek advice / knowledge around blanking the rubber one way valve on the bottom of the td5 disco airbox Im struggling to find a direct replacement so feel it might be easier to just do away with it altogether The intake system is totally stock, just going out into the...
  16. Disco-Skipper

    Unthreading a Shaft Technique - Specific!

    Hard to turn down the opportunity to get another big ol tool like that! I don't think the top pulls out, gave it a goold old yank but I could be wrong Not a sealing face, just like to ovoid damaging stuff where I can is all
  17. Disco-Skipper

    Unthreading a Shaft Technique - Specific!

    How well does the jaw protection work? Dont think it'll matter if it damages the surface a bit but I don't want to destroy / crush it
  18. Disco-Skipper

    Unthreading a Shaft Technique - Specific!

    I've got a very specific question for those better on the spanners than me! I'm stripping down my coram bottle jack to replace the seals and need to unthread the ram as pictured I've not got a vice and am struggling to find a good way to apply sufficient torque to get it undone - any ideas...
  19. Disco-Skipper

    Source for TD5 Disco Engine Mounts

    Since they're a pain to do I think I will end up sticking with genuine, I'll see if a local guy has any hoarded in his shed and if not I'll take you up on your free postage offer! Cheers
  20. Disco-Skipper

    Source for TD5 Disco Engine Mounts

    Wowsers, the money pit of a car strikes again Looks like I'm going to be bankrupting myself in the name of reducing vibrations in a land rover.... I must be mental! Really appreciate the info