
Active Member
I've got a very specific question for those better on the spanners than me!

I'm stripping down my coram bottle jack to replace the seals and need to unthread the ram as pictured

I've not got a vice and am struggling to find a good way to apply sufficient torque to get it undone - any ideas?

I'm currently trying a metal strap wrench with a bit of rubber mastic tape to protect the surface but its slipping before I can apply enough torque



  • IMG_20230510_173854281.jpg
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A big pair of Stilson's with grip tooth protection will do the job. Clamping power and leverage [fulcrum] is what you want.
How well does the jaw protection work? Dont think it'll matter if it damages the surface a bit but I don't want to destroy / crush it
Just buy the 18" or 24" one of these, they'll be your friend for life and you'll wonder how you ever got by without one.

I also have one of these, it's very very handy

Can I ask why you need that 1 out?

Doesn't the top 1 just pull out to give access to seals?

That 1 also doesn't seem to need an outside sealing face so protecting it is not an issue? apart from crushing as you say.

Just buy the 18" or 24" one of these, they'll be your friend for life and you'll wonder how you ever got by without one.
Hard to turn down the opportunity to get another big ol tool like that!

Can I ask why you need that 1 out?

Doesn't the top 1 just pull out to give access to seals?

That 1 also doesn't seem to need an outside sealing face so protecting it is not an issue? apart from crushing as you say.

I don't think the top pulls out, gave it a goold old yank but I could be wrong

Not a sealing face, just like to ovoid damaging stuff where I can is all

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