1. N

    Swimming pool in spare wheel well

    Many thanks. I have noticed if left for some time and the tailgate is opened water pours down the rear of the pillars. I'll have a look at the tailgate and bumper.
  2. N

    Swimming pool in spare wheel well

    Hi. Does anybody know where to star looking for the issue that causes water to fill the spare wheel well? It seems to be coming in from the offside somewhere as it is wet where the wheel chocks are stored.
  3. N

    L322 Major problem

    Believe me steering a Range Rover around a roundabout without power steering is very difficult. It's not like the old days when cars had no power steering. The wheels are pretty wide and there is the resistance through the failed power steering to consider. It's ok when the wheels are rolling...
  4. N

    L322 Major problem

    Very difficult to turn without power steering. Had this when the surpentine belt broke. Would advise putting on the back of a tow truck. Try the spare key first.
  5. N

    L322 Ignition key turns but starter motor won't turn -possible solution.

    Just thought i'd share this one one. 2003 Range Rover Vogue 4.4. V8 had what I thought was the dreaded upper steering column death rattle. Car unlocked, ignition key goes in and turns ok, clicking in steering column, steering column releases then nothing, just the ignition clicking. I changed...
  6. N

    L322 Anyone want to watch an L322 burn?

    I think all Range Rover owners will sympathise with your plight. They really are a labour of love and extremely expensive to maintain. Might be worth taking it over to RCV in East Peckham and get them to give it the once over before you decide to ditch it.
  7. N

    Pics of the beast

    Hi all. A few pics of the beast. Lots of work done. Lots of work still to do but getting there.
  8. N

    L322 4.4 V8 2004 104k Miles Engine Noise Help!!!

    I'd go for tensioner/guides. Sounds like the chain is bashing against the cam casings. Had this on a bimmer 540 when the power steering pump seized and broke the tensioners.
  9. N

    New to Landyzone

    I think they replaced all the interior. It's nearly mint. Curious head shaped dent on the bonnet though. I would agree with your first description! I'll post some pics tomorrow.
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    New to Landyzone

    Hi. Just thought I'd introduce myself before posting further messages. I've owned an early L322 Vogue 4.4 V8 for the past 3 years. A complete random purchase. Bought from somewhere you would only feel safe in daylight with the local constabulary in the vicinity! Totally against that natural urge...