1. O

    Anyone missing Old Sea Dog?

    Yup - knackered, as they say in the NE! (But, as they say in the L'Oreal ads - "He's worth it!"
  2. O

    Anyone missing Old Sea Dog?

    Hi, guys - sorry I've not posted for a while - life has been a wee bit manic. So - to update - OSD now has (almost) full use of his R leg, and about 60% of his R arm (although his arm causes nerve pain - presumably as they've been MIA for so long). No more catheter - he can go to the loo (with...
  3. O

    Anyone missing Old Sea Dog?

    Thanks, everyone - I've even written down your member names so that he knows he's got lots of support! OSD's doing quite well - although it's going to be a long road to recovery. Speech is getting stronger, but still hard to understand. He tends to think of a phrase to say, and all the words run...
  4. O

    Anyone missing Old Sea Dog?

    Seriously? I thought he spent tons of time on here? Better check his porn sites - only joking (I hope).
  5. O

    Anyone missing Old Sea Dog?

    Even better today - R leg and arm both moving (albeit 'lazily'), and he managed to yell across the ward as I was leaving: "I really love you". (You can imagine that's made me feel as if I'm floating on air - he'd been building up to it for about 3 or 4 minutes!) He's on the up!!
  6. O

    Anyone missing Old Sea Dog?

    Some good news, at least. Yesterday he lifted his (paralysed) right arm to wave at me - and he's getting movement back in his right leg (albeit limited). His mood is lifting, after fighting off the infections - and he asked me (or rather, nodded when I asked the question) to say hi and thanks to...
  7. O

    Anyone missing Old Sea Dog?

    Tried that - but he's not up to it just yet. Don't worry, though - he'll be online soon.
  8. O

    Anyone missing Old Sea Dog?

    Thanks for that - I'll pass your wishes on to OSD x
  9. O

    Married to Old Sea Dog

    Married to Old Sea Dog
  10. O

    Anyone missing Old Sea Dog?

    Just joined up - I'm the wife of OSD, and I know he has a nunmber of friends on here. Just to let you know, he had a massive stroke at the end of November, and is still in hospital. He's had a couple of nasty setbacks, but now looks as if he's building strength enough to begin a real recovery...