1. C

    Stuck- SOS

    All sorted. Farmer got it out with his landy. Success! No pics as I wasn't present.
  2. C

    Stuck- SOS

    Also turns out you are allowed to drive up there he said, only certain times of the year and perhaps not in a Suzuki haha!
  3. C

    Stuck- SOS

    Yeah we're paying him.
  4. C

    Stuck- SOS

    One farmer is going to help us. Thanks all for the advice and to @Huntinghicap and @flat for offering help.
  5. C

    Stuck- SOS

    Thank you. I've found a number for one farm so I'll call them today.
  6. C

    Stuck- SOS

    That last bit wasn't aimed at you @flat Just the others that aren't being helpful in their replies.
  7. C

    Stuck- SOS

    Once again, purely by accident, friend thought it was ok for us to be there, only discovered yesterday it was not. Also, I was not under any impression it would be free, I have offered payment to be told you're not allowed to accept it. If you have no help to offer please stop from further...
  8. C

    Stuck- SOS

    All I had with me was an eyeliner pencil and an old receipt haha! Managed to write - got stuck, police aware.
  9. C

    Stuck- SOS

    It's a real shame you think like that but I guess you have your reasons. As I said, happy to sign any form, the car is worth around £300 max so definitely nothing to claim for! Just want to be able to move it.
  10. C

    Stuck- SOS

    @Huntinghicap this is the location of the car. That's Wilmington Church at the side.
  11. C

    Stuck- SOS

    Sorry just seen all the replies and I'm not even going to bite. They've been out a few times on lanes in the area that have been fine, the pug got around the track fine just this bit dips either side and husband got unlucky. Easiest way to get out will be, once out, to reverse back down as its...
  12. C

    Stuck- SOS

    Yes it has everything it's supposed to. We don't usually make habit of breaking any laws! :)
  13. C

    Stuck- SOS

    Thank you again. Husband is home now said he will meet you whenever you can.
  14. C

    Stuck- SOS

    Thank you to everyone with helpful replies. Completely understand. Thanks for your reply.
  15. C

    Stuck- SOS

    Yes that's what I meant. Thanks all for the advice so far, it's much appreciated.
  16. C

    Stuck- SOS

    2 have said they couldn't do it, 1 wanted more than the car is worth and waiting to hear back from another. They believed they were ok to drive down there. If nobody on here can help will try the local farms. I've managed to find a number for one now.
  17. C

    Stuck- SOS

    Attempting to help! :)
  18. C

    Stuck- SOS

    Yes but just the one is stuck. Used tow ropes with the other but it didn't work.
  19. C

    Stuck- SOS

    No he was with a friend
  20. C

    Stuck- SOS

    Nope. Will happily pay!