Also turns out you are allowed to drive up there he said, only certain times of the year and perhaps not in a Suzuki haha!

Sorry that’s not correct.

It’s a restricted byway, long man 5a - Gillets Lane - and is marked as a restricted byway on the OS 1:25000 and the East Sussex rights of way map. You cannot drive restricted byways unless you have a private right of access in place to do so (farmer to access a field for instance).

He may be getting muddled up with the seasonal closures that are placed on most of the legal green lanes in that area which closes them from 1st Oct to 31st March each year to protect them during bad weather.

before going out again familiarise yourselves with an OS map and what you can and can’t drive legally and check the Council Public Rights of Way websites to get the DEFINITIVE answer on what is driveable, and when.
Just seen this thread, I can say for sure that the x90 will go places, as will a ford escort. Seen them fly up simms hill (google it) on the Lands end trial :)


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