1. L

    Brake Fluid Leak

    I've got a '99 Disco and it began to lose all of it's brake fluid the other day. I thought it could be the lines, so a bit more fluid was added and it all appears to be leaking from the black rubber bit that's behind the pad, where the line goes into the wheel. What is this part called? How do I...
  2. L

    calibrating the speedometer?

    I'm trying to look at it that way, and I know I do not need to go so fast due to gas milage and being a better driver, but the fact it's off is driving me crazy. Thanks, it does seem to explain my lack of speeding tickets.
  3. L

    calibrating the speedometer?

    So a few months ago I posted my woes with my DiscoII, with all the overheating and such. That problem is now solved, nothing quite like a new radiator, water pump, a few other niggly but important thing, as well as a new engine! Not entirely new, it's got about 50k miles on it(but mine only had...
  4. L

    Why does it keep overheating?

    unforutnately that wasn't the only problem. new water pump. raditor, and something having to do with the serpentine belt but not the actual serpentine belt were all replaced and yet it's still overheating! so the land rover service guys(who are at least, very very friendly) are going to test...
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    Why does it keep overheating?

    Finally took it to the dealership, after being parked for nearly a month. No Head Gasket Failure!!!!! Just a very clogged radiator, warped bearing on the water pump, and a few other little niggles. Dealer is quoting about $1600 parts and labor, but i'm working out something much much...
  6. L

    Why does it keep overheating?

    So it was a bit colder here last night and today. I just had a feeling, so I poured in a cupful more of coolant and drove for a bit, it worked just fine. Today, Did the same song and dance again and lo and behold if it did not run perfectly. The heater even started to blow again after a few...
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    Why does it keep overheating?

    I'm figure it's probably a combination of problems. I thought that hgf caused too much pressure in the system.
  8. L

    Why does it keep overheating?

    Why would there be steam instead of water flow? Blockage maybe? There seems to be no evident cross contamination between coolant/oil, so no milk at least, although there is still a little white smoke out the tailpipe. Tried to bleed her, but it just seemed as if nothing happened. The top...
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    Why does it keep overheating?

    One more thing, the hoses are very soft when it is running. I let it idle for a bit in the driveway and heat was normal, but the hoses around the radiator were very hot and very squishy. I'm kind of angry at the dealership on this one. I mean if they said it needed replacing I did, and it's...
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    Why does it keep overheating?

    Thank you so much. I'll try that in the day light. I really just want to know where the coolant is hiding. I filled the expansion tank to the line today, and after running a few minutes it all disappeared. It didnt leak and i saw no drips, but there was noting orange in the resivor.
  11. L

    Why does it keep overheating?

    Thanks. I'll try bleeding it again. I was starting to suspect that might be the problem, but it's a hard thing to accept. It's almost tempted me to just chuck the damn thing, get responsible and get a mid-size sedan, but where's the fun in that. When you bleed it, do you only have to open the...
  12. L

    Why does it keep overheating?

    I have a '99 Disco II, it's only got about 73,000 miles and is in good shape Got it in Nov. 06. Started overheated a month or so after. Low on coolant July 2007- Large hose bursts, spraying driveway with coolant. Replaced by stepfather. Runs fine. Goes on a few 200+ mile trips everything is...