your pictures suggest it's a V8, Sounds to me like either head gasket(s) or a slipped liner as you have all the classic symptoms of this, take out the spark plugs and compare them, see if they're all the same colour. Do this after a run to get the engine hot, let it cool then take the plugs out and check, don't do it after a short start up from cold otherwise they'll all be black and give you a false "reading"

All the plugs should be a light tan sort of colour on the electrodes, if any look like they've been "cleaned" or "washed" then that will suggest a head/block fault.
Finally took it to the dealership, after being parked for nearly a month.
No Head Gasket Failure!!!!!
Just a very clogged radiator, warped bearing on the water pump, and a few other little niggles.
Dealer is quoting about $1600 parts and labor, but i'm working out something much much cheaper.
Thanks everyone!
Finally took it to the dealership, after being parked for nearly a month.
No Head Gasket Failure!!!!!
Just a very clogged radiator, warped bearing on the water pump, and a few other little niggles.
Dealer is quoting about $1600 parts and labor, but i'm working out something much much cheaper.
Thanks everyone!

You should be able to get your radiator re-cored rather than buying a new one. It is normally around half the price of buying new and is just as good.
unforutnately that wasn't the only problem.
new water pump. raditor, and something having to do with the serpentine belt but not the actual serpentine belt were all replaced and yet it's still overheating!
so the land rover service guys(who are at least, very very friendly) are going to test everything else.
i'm not sure how not one of these things got taken care of in the other 4 trips in for the same service.
all these problems have almost put me to the point where i give up and buy a prius.

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