
New Member
So a few months ago I posted my woes with my DiscoII, with all the overheating and such.
That problem is now solved, nothing quite like a new radiator, water pump, a few other niggly but important thing, as well as a new engine!
Not entirely new, it's got about 50k miles on it(but mine only had 80k)

Now a new problem. The speedometer is off.
A friend drove the landy while I drove the volvo i've driven while the whole overheating mess got solved. I thought he was just pussyfooting about driving it on the highway, but a cell phone conversation proved that he really believed he was going about 70mph. I was doing only about 60-62mph, and he couldn't really catch up.
How do I fix this? Better yet how much would it cost to fix it?
Thanks everyone!
speedo readings are always out if the reading is 70mph then you are only really doing approx. 65. that is why if your speedo says 30, 50, 70 then you will never get pulled for speeding
I'm trying to look at it that way, and I know I do not need to go so fast due to gas milage and being a better driver, but the fact it's off is driving me crazy. Thanks, it does seem to explain my lack of speeding tickets.
Now a new problem. The speedometer is off.
A friend drove the landy while I drove the volvo i've driven while the whole overheating mess got solved. I thought he was just pussyfooting about driving it on the highway, but a cell phone conversation proved that he really believed he was going about 70mph. I was doing only about 60-62mph, and he couldn't really catch up.
How do I fix this? Better yet how much would it cost to fix it?
Thanks everyone!

Have you got std size tyres on the Disco. Some people put bigger tyre on for a variety of reasons, not understanding that this can (and does!!) affect the accuracy of the speedo and mileometer.

Innaccurate mileometers also give duff readings which also affect mpg calculations.

Can I suggest you check your manual for the std size then check the actual size on the vehicle, then go to this site to see the effect of any difference:

Tire size calculator



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