1. G

    Tailgate not opening.. Freelander1

    Ok, now totally confused (Aware it does not take much) Non of the reset/calibration process worked today. Window does drop slightly when tailgate handle is used, but tailgate does not then open. Window can be dropped manually via keyfob, or switch so fully down but when tailgate handle used...
  2. G

    Tailgate not opening.. Freelander1

    Thanks for ^^^^^^^ that. Will try again the weekend. What's always confused me (and it does not take much) is the fact that the window does drop when the handle is used, just not enough. However did not realise that the door should open if you manually lower the window. Will report back after...
  3. G

    Tailgate not opening.. Freelander1

    Ok, so does that mean the micro switch in my handle is faulty, as window lowers fully via the fob/switch but door will still not open.
  4. G

    Tailgate not opening.. Freelander1

    Ok, quick question if I can. If you manually lower the rear tailgate window,should the door activate so it can be opened. My Freelander has just started doing exactly the same thing as last year. Window dropping an inch (not enough,) and tailgate will not open. Previously fitted a new motor and...
  5. G

    Tyre Replacement

    Bugger, the place I found the N6000 have just messaged me to say that they do not have the tyre,. Looks like the only option I have is to have two new Pirellis on the back and the used N6000's on the front.
  6. G

    Tyre Replacement

    So just to confirm. 3 good tread used tyres (2 on front, 1 on back) and a brand new one on the rear will be ok. All N6000's, but will have a brand new one and used on rear axle.
  7. G

    Tyre Replacement

    Well just managed to find 1x N6000 , which is about as much use as a chocolate teaspoon.
  8. G

    Tyre Replacement

    Now I think I have big bill ahead of me, as internet searches seem to advise that all tyres need to match and have the same tread. However will ask anyway. Basically car has 4x N6000 Nexen tyres fitted. All changed at the same time about a year ago, all with good matching tread depth etc...
  9. G

    Freelander 1 Rear parking sensors - wiring diagram.

    Yep sorted, New buzzer/ECU thingy fitted in the boot and all sorted.
  10. G

    What Freelander Have You Got Poll (version 2)

    FL1 V6 HSE and loving it, now that everything works. Owned it for just over a month, and only realised today that it has retractable mirrors....
  11. G

    Tailgate not opening.

    Well it took much longer than the weekend, but happy to report that new rear tailgate motor fitted and all seems hunky dorey. Tested it a load of times before actually closing tailgate, and then finally took the plunge. Door closed fully, and opens without issue. Have left the trim panel off...
  12. G

    Tailgate not opening.

    Ok, todays stupid question. How do I check the ratchet mechanism as window is going up and down without issue on the button.
  13. G

    Tailgate not opening.

    Thanks again all for advice/videos. Wont be till the weekend that I have a gander, but watch this space.....
  14. G

    Tailgate not opening.

    What's annoying is that everything was working fine'ish before I did the reset procedure. Door always opened, just that the window did not drop just enough. I'm hoping that its window related as it makes sense that the door does not open, as window is not opening any where near enough now...
  15. G

    Tailgate not opening.

    cant open door to check. rear wash all working so believe that confirms car knows door is closed. just window doesn't open enough and door lock motor does not activate
  16. G

    Tailgate not opening.

    You are a star. Thanks again
  17. G

    Tailgate not opening.

    Just done the reset once again and noticed something. Window still opens via switch remote etc, but when tailgate handle opened the window drops a small amount (not as much as before) but when the handle is released the window goes back up????
  18. G

    Tailgate not opening.

    Sorry, me not explaining things well. Door release was working, but window not dropping enough when door opened. (,Enough to open door, but issues when closing) Reset procedure completed to try and get window to open a bit more. Now window opens less than it did, and door won't open at all. No...
  19. G

    Tailgate not opening.

    Yep. Did that a couple of times with no success. Then the one with engine running at 1500rpm for 10 secs........?? Neither worked , then realised door not opening when it had been.
  20. G

    Tailgate not opening.

    Done a search and found all guidance to replace mechanism, but not found anything for a reset. Door has been opening fine, no warnings etc. The only issue was glass was not dropping enough. Would drop to allow door to be opened, but needed a couple of extra millimeters for door to close...