Done a search and found all guidance to replace mechanism, but not found anything for a reset.

Door has been opening fine, no warnings etc. The only issue was glass was not dropping enough.
Would drop to allow door to be opened, but needed a couple of extra millimeters for door to close.
Sometimes would be fine, but sometimes glass would not clear door frame. Just opened glass before opening door to get round this.

Just done both rear window glass reset procedures and now neither work.
Glass only drops about .5cm and door wont now open.

Also if drop glass via button/switch, it still wont open.

Any bright ideas, or is it just a total fluke that the lock has decided to give up now,

It's a freelander once you fix one thing something else breaks :rolleyes:

I would clean all the connectors and make sure they seat proberly as that all it might be then we will take it from there
Also when you say you did a reset did that involve taking the negative battery lead off for a minute and seeing if the window drops completely?
Yep. Did that a couple of times with no success.
Then the one with engine running at 1500rpm for 10 secs........??

Neither worked , then realised door not opening when it had been.
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i think I have misunderstood, you haven't replace the window mechanism yet have you? If not sounds like it is time to replace it
Sorry, me not explaining things well.

Door release was working, but window not dropping enough when door opened. (,Enough to open door, but issues when closing)
Reset procedure completed to try and get window to open a bit more.

Now window opens less than it did, and door won't open at all. No sound\action from door mechanism.

Window still (and always did) operates fine from switch and remote.

Just now door motor\release not working
Just done the reset once again and noticed something.
Window still opens via switch remote etc, but when tailgate handle opened the window drops a small amount (not as much as before) but when the handle is released the window goes back up????
From passed posts it's proberly the micro switch in the handle, sounds like you will have to get a new Handle, they are not that expensive and not difficult to fit, when I get home I will post a link to an instruction video for you
but when tailgate handle opened the window drops a small amount

That's often the ratchet in the cable not working correctly.

but when the handle is released the window goes back up????

Does the boot light come on when the door is open? If not then the door open sensor is faulty. The CCU thinks the door is still closed, so it puts the window back up, once the door release button is released. The door open sensor is part of the door lock assembly.
cant open door to check.
rear wash all working so believe that confirms car knows door is closed.

just window doesn't open enough and door lock motor does not activate
just window doesn't open enough and door lock motor does not activate

Sounds like you have 2 faults. The outside release button is working, or the window wouldn't be dropping at all.
However the window not dropping enough is 1 fault and is normally the cable ratchet mechanism I suggested earlier.
The 2nd fault sounds like the lock actuator isn't working. This can be accessed after the interior panel is removed. Removing the interior panel with the door closed is not an easy job.
What's annoying is that everything was working fine'ish before I did the reset procedure.

Door always opened, just that the window did not drop just enough.

I'm hoping that its window related as it makes sense that the door does not open, as window is not opening any where near enough now. (and also returns to position when the handle is released)
What's annoying is that everything was working fine'ish before I did the reset procedure.

Door always opened, just that the window did not drop just enough.

I'm hoping that its window related as it makes sense that the door does not open, as window is not opening any where near enough now. (and also returns to position when the handle is released)
Sounds like the window mechanism is about to fail so I would stop messing with it and get the door open, take the door card off and have a look. You don’t want to not be able to open the door when it goes bang as that’s a whole new world of pain you don’t want. Have a look at this on what’s involved.

Sounds like you have 2 faults. The outside release button is working, or the window wouldn't be dropping at all.
However the window not dropping enough is 1 fault and is normally the cable ratchet mechanism I suggested earlier.
The 2nd fault sounds like the lock actuator isn't working. This can be accessed after the interior panel is removed. Removing the interior panel with the door closed is not an easy job.
Agree 100% probably resetting the window aggravated the issue with the window.

Regulator faults - Very common.
Mechanism faults - Very common.
Handle pulling off in your hand. Stupidly common.
Handle micro switch faults - Rare
There isn't a ratchet as such. The motor has a cable wrapped around it which goes around the regulator to clamps which hold the glass It's common for the cable to fray and so can't move freely. Usually it's at the end of movement that it happens. It relies on the mechanism moving freely to calibrate correctly.
It could be yours is frayed at the end so confusing the system
If you look up freelander regulator in YouTube you'll find lots of videos explaining how they are wired.
Well it took much longer than the weekend, but happy to report that new rear tailgate motor fitted and all seems hunky dorey.
Tested it a load of times before actually closing tailgate, and then finally took the plunge.
Door closed fully, and opens without issue.

Have left the trim panel off for the moment (just in case) as dont fancy trying to remove that again with the tailgate closed.

Thanks again for everyone advise as above, it seems sorted.


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