1. RP72

    Fuelling issue......??

    Coil tested (with engine cold) - 2.5ohm & 8.5Kohm. Would it be worth testing when engine hot?
  2. RP72

    Fuelling issue......??

    Yes, 32/34 DMTL bought from reputable weber source - and looked brand new in box etc. Jetted for 2286cc 11H engine, as previous owner had replacement engine fitted some time ago. Carb was direct replacement for existing unit already fitted when I purchased, and jet sizes identical. Cross checked...
  3. RP72

    Fuelling issue......??

    Will investigate the coil regardless, just to dis-count it, although like you say, that wouldn't account for it running on the choke. I was kind of hoping for a carb to manifold leak, but idle stays rock steady when giving it a good spray with easy start..... Yes, breather in the cap is good...
  4. RP72

    Fuelling issue......??

    Hello all, not posted in a while (although I've kept an eye on the forum occasionally). The old girl has been stuck in the garage for a while, whilst other things in life took over. Took her out the other day for a proper run for the first time in about 12 months. Prior to, I'd given everything...
  5. RP72

    Series 3 Hood advice

    Took about 9 or 10 weeks from initial phonecall to delivery, but they said they were particularly busy when I ordered.
  6. RP72

    Series 3 Hood advice

    Allwheeltrim were very good when I ordered one about 18 months ago, bit of a wait for it to be made, but worth it. Very good service and well made.
  7. RP72

    Engine mounting rubbers.......

    Thanks for everyone's input, have gone the route of standard petrol mounts and all seems OK. Not taken her for a good run yet, but hopefully all will be well. You're not wrong there, Bobsticle, proper pain of a job (although helped by plenty of swearing) - not helped by a PO's attempt at...
  8. RP72

    Engine mounting rubbers.......

    Thanks Bobsticle, will go with original petrol mounts. There's enough rattling and buzzing at the moment, so a bit more surely won't hurt! I'm hoping it goes some way to solving or lessening a judder that appears when coming off the throttle. Thanks again.
  9. RP72

    Engine mounting rubbers.......

    Hello all, Looking for a bit of advice regarding the above. Engine and gearbox rubbers pretty much shot to bits and are in very poor condition (SIII SWB, 1973 petrol). I have spent a bit of time today spraying penetrating oil and loosening fixings to make life easier in preparation for changing...
  10. RP72

    Canvas supplier?

    Bought a canvas earlier this year from All Wheel Trim, very happy with what I received.
  11. RP72

    Series 2 Roamerdrive

    Not a 2A I know, but I've not long bought and fitted one to a S3 petrol (about a month ago). Really easy to fit with clear instruction manual and it only took 2 or 3 hours to do. Everything needed came in the crate except the mainshaft nut tool, but picked one up on ebay pretty cheaply. I think...
  12. RP72

    Who used Yellow SERIES 3s?

    British Rail?
  13. RP72

    Series 3 Accelerator Cable

    I've just fitted similar cable to get rid of a previous owners bodge with the accelerator linkage - looks like part NRC8116. I just used an M12 flange nut to secure.
  14. RP72

    No black/silver number plates for me.

    Try https://www.classicplatesonline.co.uk Not long had some white on black made, they did a nice job of them for a reasonable price and I didn't have to produce any paperwork at all. Loads of styles available. Took about 10 days to get them in post.
  15. RP72

    Weber 32/34 DMTL - jets question

    Brilliant, thanks for the tip - would never of thought about doing that in all honesty.
  16. RP72

    Weber 32/34 DMTL - jets question

    Tracked a little bit of info down, on a VW forum. Seems jets are opposite to what I thought.
  17. RP72

    Weber 32/34 DMTL - jets question

    Hi All, Wonder if I can pick some brains regarding above please? Would I be correct in thinking the primary and secondary jets/emulsion tubes are as identified in the attached photo? Orange arrow is throttle cable for orientation of photo. I've searched for a definitive answer, but whilst...
  18. RP72

    A riveting question

    Just a thought, if you have plenty of access to the rivets, might be worth trying one of these: https://www.sealey.co.uk/product/5637706740/riveter-adaptor-drill-powered I bought one as have a bit of arthritis in my hands and can't use the plier type for long. Was a bit sceptical, to be...
  19. RP72

    Series 3 Cooling System - a couple of questions.......

    Lovely, many thanks for pointing me in the right direction, that's done the trick - airlock gone and all good now. :)