1. D

    What is it?

    When your gearstick breaks off at the ball , then the overdrive gives you an emergency neutral , in the middle position , useful for crisis management. \beast
  2. D

    Newbie - Series 3 brakes and steering

    Hi sam , I can recall bringing the adjuster up to the point where it stop just with fingers , and then locking it off, any more than that and they'll be no tolerance inside the box , not good. I think I saw a recon box recently for @£120 , cant remember where. si
  3. D

    Overdrive MPG

    Hi In years past , my one gave me a rise from @18 on the motorway , to @24 - sadly , it's really difficult to make the money back , but I think most folk agree the reduction in noise is nice to have. And I just loved having that 4th lever! si
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    Newbie - Series 3 brakes and steering

    Hi sam , this sounds just like my first land rover in 86, It was a bloody dog , and took months to get right. 1. look at the roadwheel while you are moving the steering wheel , A good tight steering box should only have about an inch of movement at the sterring wheel rim , before the roadwheel...
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    zenith carb overhaul

    bought one from eurocarb , on ebay , and rebuilt carb 2 weeks ago , I cant believe the difference, now starts like factory fresh, and full power is better. An improvement on the weber carbs I have had in the past. Dont forget some decnt flange sealant on the main gasket tho, airtighty is...
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    steering top bush/bearing replacement

    thanks for the ideas , sounds challenging unfortunately. beast
  7. D

    steering top bush/bearing replacement

    Hi , can anyone who has replaced this , give me a hint on the best way to remove the old bearing , behind the steering wheel , or is it just a case of levering it out with a pair of sharp scerwdrivers. all the best Beast