1. Monty88

    Lost power on motorway, clutch/gearbox problem? Help wanted

    Hi guys, I lost power last week on the motorway, heard a noise followed by slight clunking so I applied the clutch, went onto the hard shoulder and got towed back to Nottingham where my student digs are. Pushing it back onto the drive with ignition off and in neutral on both sticks it still...
  2. Monty88

    Defender Licence Catagory Issues

    Is age limit different for members of armed forces? It ussually is for these things, I got my license through the army.
  3. Monty88

    Defender Licence Catagory Issues

    I've got the same, car and license catagories, I drive it, I'm sure you're fine,
  4. Monty88

    A Spot of help...

    My two spots are on the front of my 110, I got them off the previous owner who had them attached but removed them prior to my purchase. I want to wire them up, is it worth just getting a sparky in a garage do it for £30 or is there a guide anyone knows of which could help me do it myself so I...
  5. Monty88

    Can I just say....

    There are few things as welcome as the looks from people in an IKEA car park, when they're trying to fit a flatpack chair into their cars, and you're happily sliding a desk, wardrobe and a bed into your 110, with still enough room to stock up in the timber yard on the way back.. Makes it all so...
  6. Monty88

    front and rear diff + this weekend

    Changed most of my cooling system, and drove it up half the country. Ran the battery down starting it too many times...
  7. Monty88

    Having issues keeping my cool(ing system in place) A spot of help?

    Cheers for the help guys, spent the past two days working on it, replacing the pump, fan, viscous fan clutch, pulleys and the radiator, sawing apart the old viscous unit that had fused itself together. I've just driven it back to London from Hampshire and it seems absolutely fine. Should have...
  8. Monty88

    Protecting My Defender From Theives

    How about taking off the steering wheel? Its easy enough to do, and unless they've got their own then they won't be going far... Maybe thats a bit drastic. I try to (purposefully of course) leave the car in the condition no-one would want to nick :) As far as the shotgun idea goes, its...
  9. Monty88

    Protecting My Defender From Theives

    Aye, this kinda thing is what Sharia law is for.... :rolleyes:
  10. Monty88

    good online parts site (not Paddocks!!)

    Mach3? What about Fusions? They've got more blades than a South London GCSE class on em.
  11. Monty88

    good online parts site (not Paddocks!!)

    You're made mate. If I had a friend who could get me lentil and bacon soup, fresh, as and when I wanted. Well, he'd stay on my christmas card list. I once had a friend who made knock off head and shoulders for market stalls to flog. Never buy it.
  12. Monty88

    Landy for a First Car

    I rekon footman is pprobably the best idea for me, I've only been driving 4 months, and am 19 as well,
  13. Monty88

    Landy for a First Car

    they should give us a landyzone discount for this movement
  14. Monty88

    Landy for a First Car

    They seem to save me a packet, however I have to join a classic car club, any suggestions?
  15. Monty88

    2007 - Defender 90

    Is this unusual?
  16. Monty88

    Landy for a First Car

    Will do tomorrow as well, cheers mate, I'll see if they can help
  17. Monty88

    Having issues keeping my cool(ing system in place) A spot of help?

    Unfortunate irony that the spots could be construed as lolly pops to the average hoodied knife carrying 4 year old.
  18. Monty88

    Having issues keeping my cool(ing system in place) A spot of help?

    Ah I see, snap, (give or take a few things)
  19. Monty88

    Having issues keeping my cool(ing system in place) A spot of help?

    Just clicked on your profile, with the picture its all making a bit more sense. :D
  20. Monty88

    What is this? And why is it not in my landy?

    whoah, nonono, don't get me for that at all, the moment I don't want to do what I do is the moment I'll stop doing it, I love my job and career path to bits, there's nothing wrong with a personal view on how the politics affect these things, it doesn't by any way mean that we shouldn't be doing...