i just had another whizz on confused.com, and managed to reduce the cheapest price from £674.82 (ibuyeco.co.uk) to £538.92 (quoteacar.co.uk).

Same details on both...19 year old, been driving two years, one year NCB. Only thing I changed was I put my mum on as a named driver, which made it over £135 cheaper!

id prob be able to get it down, but im not sure i wana go with the classic car thing and not be buildin up a no claims
I rekon footman is pprobably the best idea for me, I've only been driving 4 months, and am 19 as well,
I rang adrian flux this morning, and managed to get a quote for £514! Its just gettin cheaper and cheaper!
Lol when I last rang them when i renewed, their quote was over £1000, compared to th £558 from FJ. Who knows why...

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