1. Stuart Bigmore

    Insurance rip off

    Thanks for the offer Jamie, but my rant is over now and we'll put this one to bed.
  2. Stuart Bigmore

    Insurance rip off

    Well, my premium in effect jumped from 300 to 800 (give or take) in a matter of weeks. Changing to another Defender couldn't change the risk that much. Could it?
  3. Stuart Bigmore

    Insurance rip off

    I am 58 :( and have no points on my license :)
  4. Stuart Bigmore

    Insurance rip off

    When I bought my first defender a couple of months back I insured it with Adrian Flux. The premium was just below £300, which I thought was reasonable. This week (for reasons outside this thread) the Landy had to go and I bought another. I phoned Adrian Flux to inform them of the vehicle change...
  5. Stuart Bigmore

    Ummm, I'm in Suffolk

    I'm only 2 years late, hope I haven't missed it. BTW I'm in Needham Market, Suffolk
  6. Stuart Bigmore


    Nice one here for sale if your interested http://www.rossendaleoverland4x4.co.uk/detail/191104/used-land-rover-defender-90-county-pack-hardtop-td5-bacup Price has gone up £1000 too :(
  7. Stuart Bigmore


    Well not yet, it only went yesterday. But soon no doubt. I wish there was some way I could warn people :(
  8. Stuart Bigmore


    I can only imagine, to mask the history of the td5. It could have been stolen/recovered, scrapped etc. But without an accurate history of the donor parts, I could see no way to put the paperwork strait
  9. Stuart Bigmore


    It was essentially a "ringer". whether this wad done with good intentions or not, I don't know. But when I checked the engine number and there wasn't one, I got a bit nervous.
  10. Stuart Bigmore


    Yes, it went back to dealer. Took a lot a legal bullying to get them to play ball though :( On the bright side, at least I get to buy another one now.
  11. Stuart Bigmore


    Well I got rid of it today. There were too many inconsistencies between what it was and what the paperwork said it was :( But I learned a lot about defenders and a lot about buying. Did loose a fair bit of money though. Oh well, never mind. Off to look at some more tomorrow :)
  12. Stuart Bigmore


    Well thanks for heads up about checking into the ID. After a bit of digging, the hole only gets bigger. I shall not go into details at this point as I am going to see my solicitor on Wednesday. But eventually I am sure this story will make a good entry in the "how not to buy a used defender"...
  13. Stuart Bigmore

    Injector puller (Td5)

    Well the td5 injectors are unlike any I have come across before (granted my experience is limited). AND DON'T CALL ME SHIRLEY :)
  14. Stuart Bigmore

    Injector puller (Td5)

    As far as I know, no td5's In the army, or at least my son has never come across one, so no, no puller there. A few days ago the fuel pump started making a dreadful noise. This was accompanied by awful to very awful starting. I would have bought a new fuel pump, but checking around the forums I...
  15. Stuart Bigmore

    Injector puller (Td5)

    Thanks Neilly, I had seen that tutorial, but you saying guys were doing it with a 5mm allen key made me think they can't be too hard to pull out. So with my sons help, and the wonderful workshops provided by HM's armed forces I gave it a go. Got the new seals and washers fitted in around 2...
  16. Stuart Bigmore

    Injector puller (Td5)

    Is there anyone near Ipswich who would consider hiring me an injector puller for a Td5 engine for a couple of days? I would be ever so grateful ;) I need to change them seal thingy's
  17. Stuart Bigmore


    Thanks Mark, nightmares, what nightmares. Where did I see that noisy fuel pump thread (yes really). Neilly, I shall wait too see what they send me in the way of paperwork before I stir the hornets nest any more :(
  18. Stuart Bigmore


    Thanks guys I'll keep you posted as I iron out these wrinkles. I have contacted the dealer, and he is sending written confirmation about where the engine came from. It's all a little unorthodox, but all above board ( so I have been told)
  19. Stuart Bigmore


    Oh dear and it looks like the previous owner neglected to inform the DVLA about the engine change too. I am beginning to get a bad feeling :(
  20. Stuart Bigmore


    Well the VIN number on the plate matches the MOT's going back 6 years. It had a new chassis (galvanised) fitted on the rebuild so no number there. I was given a lot of receipts showing what the previous owner had spent on it (so I have his name and address). Maybe it would be worth contacting...