DVLA Retained Vehicle Identity for "Radically Modified vehicles"
Radically modified can just mean it had a few engines or gearboxes!
Each relevant part changed has a value associated with it.

Each vehicle begins with a set value, each change subtracts from that value if DVLA are notified.
If your vehicle reaches you have to re register your vehicle.
DVLA uses a points system to decide what registration number to give a radically altered vehicle.

Keep the original registration number
Your vehicle must have 8 or more points from the table below if you want to keep the original registration number. 5 of these points must come from having the original or new and unmodified chassis, monocoque bodyshell or frame.

Part Points
Chassis, monocoque bodyshell (body and chassis as one unit) or frame - original or new and unmodified (direct from manufacturer) 5
Suspension (front and back) - original 2
Axles (both) - original 2
Transmission - original 2
Steering assembly - original 2
Engine - original 1
Get a ‘Q’ registration number
You won’t be able to keep your vehicle’s original registration number if one of the following applies:

  • it has fewer than 8 points
  • it has a second-hand or altered chassis, monocoque bodyshell or frame
  • there’s evidence that 2 vehicles have been welded together to form one (ie ‘cut and shut’)
Your vehicle must pass the relevant type approval test to get a ‘Q’ prefix registration number.

I used to rebuild and restore Triumphs and a few lost their road tax exemption because of this!!!

Plenty of INFO on DVLA website
Well I got rid of it today. There were too many inconsistencies between what it was and what the paperwork said it was :( But I learned a lot about defenders and a lot about buying. Did loose a fair bit of money though. Oh well, never mind. Off to look at some more tomorrow :)
Damn, Sorry to hear that Stuart,

I was hoping it was just a minor issue.

Did you kick it back to the original seller?

Too much money and care has been invested in this motor for it to be 'bent'. Don't be too concerned.
Damn, Sorry to hear that Stuart,

I was hoping it was just a minor issue.

Did you kick it back to the original seller?

Yes, it went back to dealer. Took a lot a legal bullying to get them to play ball though :(
On the bright side, at least I get to buy another one now.
Too much money and care has been invested in this motor for it to be 'bent'. Don't be too concerned.
It was essentially a "ringer". whether this wad done with good intentions or not, I don't know. But when I checked the engine number and there wasn't one, I got a bit nervous.
Have to say I still do not understand why someone would rebuild a TD5 on a galve chassis and give it a G reg ID.

But as you say, you now go to go and search for another.

Cheers and good luck in your search.
Have to say I still do not understand why someone would rebuild a TD5 on a galve chassis and give it a G reg ID.

I can only imagine, to mask the history of the td5. It could have been stolen/recovered, scrapped etc.
But without an accurate history of the donor parts, I could see no way to put the paperwork strait
Well done on your lucky escape unfortunately some other poor sod is probably driving around in it as we speak. Good luck with your new search at least you know what to look for
Well done on your lucky escape unfortunately some other poor sod is probably driving around in it as we speak. Good luck with your new search at least you know what to look for
Well not yet, it only went yesterday. But soon no doubt. I wish there was some way I could warn people :(
I dont suppose the dealer will make that obvious to the next buyer either...bloody shame..

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