1. B

    interior door grab handle self tapping plastic fixing point.

    Thanks for rapid response and picture. The plastic items are more rectangular than square and push fit into the hole indicated in item 5 of picture. Screw no 8 fastens to the plastic item I seek .
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    interior door grab handle self tapping plastic fixing point.

    Big title , I am currently minus door cards whilst they are being re-upholstered I discovered that the drivers door has no little white plastic grommet/plug (?) for the fastening self tapper to screw into. I cannot find reference to this item and wonder if anyone here has any guidance for me .
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    Disco 2 Windscreen replacement - how much of a job?

    Hi, My screen also needs replacing due to the dreaded leaking onto roof headliner. Have been quoted by 'Pembrokeshire Windscreens' £301.00 for screen, top trim and moulding poppers. I am happy with that. He will also ensure the seams are good. Following that headliner recovering and...
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    Disco 2 Air suspension compressor cover

    Be assured my replacement once fitted will have additional 'ties' fitted .
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    Disco 2 Air suspension compressor cover

    Yup, found one via the dismantlers web search a little pricey £34 inc delivery but 'rock and hard place' comes to mind. will cover with plastic bag until arrival (of course it's 'P'ing down currently) but been wet before :)
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    Disco 2 Air suspension compressor cover

    Same here I have just noticed my cover has gone astray and beginning the 'hunt' for a replacement. So much fun these vehicles. :)
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    Auto TD5 Disco2 loadsa black smoke going uphill towing .

    Update 23/11 New boost hoses now fitted , first chance I have had to do job. the larger hose from intercooler to manifold (1st one I removed) had a secret split underneath it, the little rascal !!! changed out the other two but both those were good . Truck felt somewhat different on test drive...
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    Auto TD5 Disco2 loadsa black smoke going uphill towing .

    Hi and thanks , Have 'squeezed' and pulled at the hoses nothing loose and no apparent leakage from them when running and engine revved , air filter not too shabby either certainly changed at last service a few months back. To eliminate any internal and unseen problems with hoses , new set...
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    Auto TD5 Disco2 loadsa black smoke going uphill towing .

    will do but will have to be tomorrow now , thanks for hints/guidance.
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    Auto TD5 Disco2 loadsa black smoke going uphill towing .

    Title says it all . I don't seem to have power loss but when towing uphill smoke from exhaust is really bad . What are the common causes please.
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    Oi Oi Welshers

    SA73 for me a whole 3 months in now , Born in Surrey but Mother and Father from the valleys (Abertillery ) .
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    Disco 2 2003. Drivers door lock broken !

    Quick update, I aquired a secondhand door handle and lock assembly complete from flea bay, I was able then to see that the actuator pin was secured to the lock barrelby a 2mm roll pin my broken lock still had this roll pin in and the end portion of the missing actuator. A few light hammer taps...
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    Disco 2 2003. Drivers door lock broken !

    Thank you again for the response, yes that looks like my problem . I have nothing at the end of the lock barrel but there is evidence of something having been broken off!! A new lock barrel seems then the only solution (more savings spent ) . Now I need to find a supplier, good old google...
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    Disco 2 2003. Drivers door lock broken !

    Thanks for the rapid response, yes there is no physical connection from barrel to actuator. However I have occasion to leave my car with my dogs in it whilst I shop,etc (not in hot weather I add ) and like to lock the vehicle without them setting the alarms off this is achieved by use of the...
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    Disco 2 2003. Drivers door lock broken !

    Hi, my 'new' toy has a lock problem in so much as there is nothing attached to the end of my lock barrel !! . I believe a new component,(components) are required butciated , thank have no idea what or even where to go to get them. Any guidance would be really appreciated, thanks. Barrie
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    Hello all

    A returning Disco TD5 owner, having just aquired my 2nd Disco a few years after foolishly parting with my first. It's great to think of many new friends here. I shall soon be asking questions about a few faults my new vehicle is exhibiting. Thanks all for the membership.