
Hi, my 'new' toy has a lock problem in so much as there is nothing attached to the end of my lock barrel !! .
I believe a new component,(components) are required butciated , thank have no idea what or even where to go to get them.
Any guidance would be really appreciated, thanks. Barrie
When you say there's nothing attached to the end of the lock barrel, I presume that you're talking about between the driver's door lock barrel and the lock assembly.
All there should be is a sort of pin with a strange looking end on it which just sits in a depression on the lock. This "pin" from what I can see is part of the lockset. It sounds like this actuator pin has failed to engage with the lock at some time.
Actually the only time that a key is required to operate the barrel on the driver's door is to enter the EKA, so unless you have problems with your key fobs then you probably won't ever need to use it.
Thanks for the rapid response, yes there is no physical connection from barrel to actuator. However I have occasion to leave my car with my dogs in it whilst I shop,etc (not in hot weather I add ) and like to lock the vehicle without them setting the alarms off this is achieved by use of the key and not the fob.
So if anyone knows where I can obtain the requisite parts or how to repair my lock it would be most helpful.
The actuator pin is an integral part of the barrel from what I can see.
I don't think it can actually become detached from the barrel, but hey! we're dealing with a fault condition here so anything can happen.

If you take a look at the picture above, the complete lock set is shown, but it's lock number 2 that's of interest to you.
You can see a long pin protruding from the back end of the lock, it's got some "things" on the end which locate in the lock mechanism.
You're going to have to get a good look inside the door to see what has actually happened, and if the actuator pin is really missing then it looks like it might be a replacement lock.
Thank you again for the response, yes that looks like my problem . I have nothing at the end of the lock barrel but there is evidence of something having been broken off!! A new lock barrel seems then the only solution (more savings spent ) . Now I need to find a supplier, good old google. Great picture many thanks.
Quick update, I aquired a secondhand door handle and lock assembly complete from flea bay, I was able then to see that the actuator pin was secured to the lock barrelby a 2mm roll pin my broken lock still had this roll pin in and the end portion of the missing actuator. A few light hammer taps with a reversed 2mm drill bit (on old lock 1st !!) proved to be the way to remove the pin from barrel. Exchanged bad with good and refitted all functions restored and a happy dance completed !!.

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