1. ProjectX

    Chassis swap

    How easy is a chassis swap?
  2. ProjectX

    LEZ withdrawing exemption.

    They ask for 4 pictures- all sides…. I will be refusing this request and will be re registering my vehicle with its original, exempt number plate if there are any further complications! mark
  3. ProjectX

    LEZ withdrawing exemption.

    I don’t really know that answer as I bought it like that (with a paper copy confirmation it was exempt from TFL) and that was enough for me. There isn’t any indication on the log book about its type only that it’s 6 seater
  4. ProjectX

    LEZ withdrawing exemption.

    Hi all, I have a D Reg 110. I bought it with an exemption to LEZ. all was fine until I bought a new private plate, the exemption was then withdrawn! I got around this week to phoning them, and finally got through to a lady who indeed said I was exempt according to what was on the logbook. I...
  5. ProjectX

    LEZ - change of status

    Yeah I guessed as much. I’m hoping that the land gods bestow me with a free pass to the capital. Or there is a peasants revolt against the Sheriff of London’s evil empire
  6. ProjectX

    LEZ - change of status

    Is this in any way a possible get out Ofjail card?
  7. ProjectX

    LEZ - change of status

    Ah...... it’s just occurred to me that it’s has a very aged (original) Land Rover 110 sticker on the front (above the grill). It also has an old military number on it (by the fender) I’m wondering if this is a Frankenrover created by our beloved Army?? in any case, does this alter ANYTHING???
  8. ProjectX

    LEZ - change of status

    so my new plate that I bought won’t be allowed to roll over with it into historic? It goes back to original?
  9. ProjectX

    LEZ - change of status

    Already checked.... file deleted ....
  10. ProjectX

    LEZ - change of status

    There can be only one
  11. ProjectX

    LEZ - change of status

    Yes 200tdi is a retrofit. Yes I still have the v8! (Featured in my profile picture!)
  12. ProjectX

    LEZ - change of status

    When getting the tax free class at 40 years old, does the vehicle have to be checked?
  13. ProjectX

    LEZ - change of status

    James, you are a great authority on these matters. know knowing that I’ve got a vehicle that technically could cost me £700 a week for driving, unless I here back good news from TFL, I’m curious to know if the 40 year rule applys to all vehicles for the ability to avoid the penalty’s? I’m...
  14. ProjectX

    LEZ - change of status

    Seriously man, are you trying to give me a bad day?
  15. ProjectX

    LEZ - change of status

    Oh . YOU ARE FORGETTING ABOUT THE £100 a day non compliance on the LEZ!!!!!!! Is this proof positive I’m screwed???
  16. ProjectX

    LEZ - change of status

    Oh man. I’ve shot my self in the foot by changing the plate. ****! I’ve been driving it around for ages with no fine! I’m really gutted. I’ve sent an email to TFL. Hopefully you are wrong! (But I doubt it)
  17. ProjectX

    LEZ - change of status

    Yes I’m now living in Surrey. Definitely entering into LEZ are you telling me that it’s actually not exempt?? I’ve spent a fortune on it!!!
  18. ProjectX

    LEZ - change of status

    Yes windows (but they may have been a later addition) and yes (bench seats) it does say on v5 6 seats....
  19. ProjectX

    LEZ - change of status

    Hi all, bought my 200tdi (registered as light 4x4 utility 6 seater/ PLG taxation class). 110 a couple of years back and it was all good on the LEZ checker. (I live within the zone) recently changed the number plate on it and happened to check last night and now IS SUBJECT to LEZ. ...
  20. ProjectX

    Oil leak from top of engine- Fxxked?

    Thanks for this, and I shall look that book up! I’ve started to look a lot more into WW1, and am going to join the western front association. On the point about not mentioning his VC, you know what that generation were like; selfless. Wouldn’t have occurred to the man to boast or virtue signal.