1. J

    Weber mystery

    I always suspected an air leak when it was on my truck. The rebuild kit included a bunch of O rings and 2 seals for the butterfly shaft. Tbh I wasn't convinced they were very effective at all but fitted them anyway. It's an annoying issue as it doesn't really make sense, probably going to end up...
  2. J

    Weber mystery

    One for the carb guru's. I changed the Weber carb on my S3 109 for a new unit a couple of years ago as I could never get to the bottom of the problems with it. Afterwards I put a rebuild kit onto the old carb & put it into storage. So last week the carb on my wife's 88 starting playing up with...
  3. J

    Series 3 Misfire has got me stumped

    So spent more time on it yesterday, the carb has certainly made things a lot better and advancing the ignition almost cured it. Went back to my first instinct and started swapping plugs out again. Yep, traced the last bit of misfire back to a failing spark plug. Swapped the lot to be sure but...
  4. J

    Series 3 Misfire has got me stumped

    So todays tinkering has shown that it runs better with aprox 10' of advance at tickover. Most of the misfire is gone but it is still there. Mechanical and vac advance both appear to be working. Is it possible that I have the wrong comb on the front of the timing cover or that it was bolted on...
  5. J

    Series 3 Misfire has got me stumped

    Not sure where that leaves it then. Carb, dizzy, coil, plugs & leads are all known good. Timing is spot on as are tappets. Couldn't find any issues with fuel supply, running out of possibles??
  6. J

    Series 3 Misfire has got me stumped

    Already changed to a new pump and no difference other than the fuel filter is full now.
  7. J

    Series 3 Misfire has got me stumped

    Well I think we could have a candidate, just tried the compression tester and getting 150 on 1, 2 & 3 but cylinder 4 is down to 120. Squirt of oil got it up to 130 but still a good bit down on the others. Before I pull the head off are there any other tests I can do to check valve seats?
  8. J

    Series 3 Misfire has got me stumped

    Plugs are a little on the rich side after changing the carb but were perfect before, just need to get the mixture dialled in a bit better. I'm using the plugs from Accuspark that have the triple arm around the central post so gap is set but would seem they give a nice fat spark. I haven't...
  9. J

    Series 3 Misfire has got me stumped

    Yes I've been trying to do a bit of fault tracing by swapping things. The ignition was done a little while ago but I've swapped coil, dizzy & plug leads this weekend to no effect. Going to do a compression test and see about rerouting the fuel hose on Monday & see what we get. Cheers
  10. J

    Series 3 Misfire has got me stumped

    Haven't done a compression test no but I'll add that to the list. Fuel supply appears good the new pump seems to be belting it out but yes the pipe to the carb does run across the rocker box, simple to change so I'll add a longer hose.
  11. J

    Series 3 Misfire has got me stumped

    Hopefully one of you guys can point me right here. My s3 2.25 petrol has developed a low to mid range misfire with wide-ish throttle openings, imaging you slow down for a junction, nothing coming so 2nd gear and keep going, well it misses like crazy till the revs are back up and it smooths out...
  12. J

    Winch block for 1" manilla rope

    Hey all, So I bought a capstan for my S3 last year and it came with a great long length of 1" manilla rope that I didn't give a lot of thought to and just assumed that's what they're used with. Turns out not so much, it works perfectly fine as long as your paying attention but I really would...
  13. J

    Hand throttle linkage wanted

    Thanks Blackburn, I've done a screen shot of the 2v levers that I'm after just to clarify, looks like you've extended yours on 1 of the pics, I assume that gives finer control?
  14. J

    Hand throttle linkage wanted

    Ok thanks for looking, hex that's exactly what I've got as well.
  15. J

    Hand throttle linkage wanted

    Hi Doobie, did you get chance to have a look for those hand throttle bits? Cheers Jon
  16. J

    Hand throttle linkage wanted

    Thanks Doobie that would be great, give me a shout when you've found them out. Cheers
  17. J

    Hand throttle linkage wanted

    Thanks for that guys, will take a look at Blanchard's later. The parts numbers I have are 577127 & 592904 as Rob says above they are listed for the 2 1/4 diesel but can't see it would bidder on anyway to a petrol setup.
  18. J

    Hand throttle linkage wanted

    Hi folks, Hope you can help, I've recently picked up a hand throttle for my wife's S3 88" but need the 2 lever arms that fit onto the throttle linkage cross bar. Hopefully someone on here can help more knows where I can pick them up. Many thanks Jon
  19. J

    Steering column

    Cheers, was sure I could remember reading something years ago about the diff spinning or something??? But Google can't find anything.
  20. J

    Steering column

    Hahaha sorry yes should have said low range, for better manoeuvering and less clutch work.