1. BillyJack

    Off set standard rims to reach full steering lock.

    For obvious reasons Dusty, one being it has to be air tight for a tubeless tyre, another strength. (As it is.. the early LR diso rims are one of the strongest steel rims available for a 4x4) So doing what i have done has to retain that (in my opinion). I still have one rim to go (the spare)...
  2. BillyJack

    Off set standard rims to reach full steering lock.

    Yes well godzilla that would be a quick fix and basically the same off set would be reached. Not exactly how i roll though, i at least try to do things with a little class.
  3. BillyJack

    Off set standard rims to reach full steering lock.

    Oh ok sorry dieseldog. I was in a bit of a rush when i posted this. started to make a thread then the phone ran.. cut it short and off to work again (thinking a picture will tell a thousand words) You are on the money with "Flipped the centres" by pressing out the centers and then simply...
  4. BillyJack

    Off set standard rims to reach full steering lock.

    Just posting this to help anyone else who might wish to know how to fix that problem. The following picture is showing full lock now. It has worked a treat. :) http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad344/RedsNightmare/Mobile%20Uploads/20150409_171232_zps9qgrwnjd.jpg Before and after rims...
  5. BillyJack

    Windscreen bolts?

    If you are talking the front screen.. Also saying that the rubber seal seems ok..I would not think it was the glass as such rattling.. pics would be a good idea so we can see where n what you are meaning.
  6. BillyJack

    Just saying hello and am I crazy!

    Hello.. and as for your question.. you are asking the residents of an asylum if you are a fruit loop ? .. Ha :o
  7. BillyJack

    xyz replacement (OEM) or (LRO)???

    Either.. but leaning toward the original part
  8. BillyJack

    Hi All

    Hello oops
  9. BillyJack

    Poss leaky windows?

    The windows can be tinted in the car..without removing trim/rubbers.. It is how auto tint shops do it all day everyday.
  10. BillyJack

    Help please

    Ok if this was me.. I would then confirm i had the correct thermostat for the 1.8 .. other than that i am thinking it could be an air lock in the system.. but you have stated that you did bleed it.. :confused: It might be time to call a the local radiator business .. ask a few questions there.
  11. BillyJack

    Help please

    Maybe a dodgy thermostat .. To test.. Boil the kettle.. fill a small pot with the boiling water..put said thermostat in the boiling water.. By doing that you will be able to see the thermostat open/or not.. not means it is toast and that is your problem.
  12. BillyJack

    i got told off today!

    HaHa.. this made me laugh :D.. looking at the pic..the yamasuki has made most of the mess anyway.
  13. BillyJack

    Hello all

    Hello and welcome Ach2
  14. BillyJack

    Britpart winch cover

    Once a month soak it with wd40 as well
  15. BillyJack

    Newbie here thats feeling 'drained'.

    Hi Mick welcome :).. Off the top of my head.. I would start looking at the reverse light trigger..see if it is being interfered with in any way by the linkages as you select 2nd and 4th gears.
  16. BillyJack

    Happy New Year

    Same to you .. MY best wishes to you and yours.
  17. BillyJack

    Happy new year everybody

    Ditto mate.. My best wishes to you as well.
  18. BillyJack

    Disco 1 Built Date 6/91 tachometer

    My Gf brought me that winch for x mas .. As for new toys, I find a lot of stuff on wrecks.. Stuff i can clean up and fit myself.. This one will be added in the not so distant future http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad344/RedsNightmare/Mobile%20Uploads/20141230_194244_zps23fbd7ab.jpg
  19. BillyJack

    Disco 1 Built Date 6/91 tachometer

    Thank you so much heggars ..Takes notes.. I am yet to get check this as of yet. I spent most of my free time today on a dry run winch fitting.. Before n after pics follow if you are interested...