1. ZoNeHeaD®

    How Much have you SP£NT on your land Rover???

    yup 50 - 60 for the salisbury one inc new shim kit hehe oh put a new back plate on too cos the cork gasket seal wouldve almost certainly perished.
  2. ZoNeHeaD®

    How Much have you SP£NT on your land Rover???

    sorry been away on hols....As for spending on landys..HAHAHHAHAHA!!!! Someone very wise once said. "If you fret over spending on your Landy then you shouldnt own one". To date on my Drag ( wot the missus calls it) about 4k. And all out...
  3. ZoNeHeaD®

    Rear diff Loud clicking noises

    aha fixed it meself
  4. ZoNeHeaD®

    Rear diff Loud clicking noises

    Had a look....Sheesh! I was doing 60mph on a duel at the time and I noticed a plume behind me..hehe, pulled over and the filler plug is almost pushed in and hanging there..oil has all but gone(the plume). Pulled into a local Mech I know he said its a new Diff job. And that the rear axle is that...
  5. ZoNeHeaD®

    Does anyone on here use their freelander to tow horses and are they strong enough?

    All im saying is that wiv 2 hosses u need stability of a long wheel base & low centre of G.
  6. ZoNeHeaD®


    well 2nd aug sounds good...count me in...but im a noob!! to laning
  7. ZoNeHeaD®

    Does anyone on here use their freelander to tow horses and are they strong enough?

    K the missus has 2 hosses. Drives me mad local shows etc. Best Tow for 2 hosses in a 505 or wotever is a Defender 110. 90's aint stable enough in novice hands. If those Hosses throw their toys out of the pram whilst your belting along at 60mph... A 110 you hardly notice it...Anything else an get...
  8. ZoNeHeaD®

    Worn Clutch? (def 110 V8)

    About to go on a big trip. The Clutch seems very high on the Pedal. I've been told there is no adjustment. Is there reason to worry, or change the clutch when I get back? Does the clutch need changing?
  9. ZoNeHeaD®

    Please help, juddering when in gear

    can you be more detailed...explain exactly what happens? Rule out the obvious. Fuel starvation for example. Does it run ok in Idle? Is it misfiring?
  10. ZoNeHeaD®

    new to landys

    Well depends on yer budget. I'd say go for a conversion thats "Proven". & wont blow up on the M6...hehehe!
  11. ZoNeHeaD®

    Basic Series Toolkit

    Oh & how could I forget..A decent poncho or Army Basher DPM. So when your underneath and its ****ing down you wont get ****tingwell drenched.
  12. ZoNeHeaD®

    new to landys

    Scuse me But a V8 on gas is castrated. But im twisted ! I just wont goto gas. Help!!
  13. ZoNeHeaD®

    Basic Series Toolkit

    A bucket of WD40 Insulation tape : red blue black landrovers OWN socket set (currently 35 quid down from 85 quid at most landie dealers) (a very nice set for novices like me) A big Hammer is vital. I still have the weird jack that came supplied. it works, but I also have a 3 ton...
  14. ZoNeHeaD®

    Expert eye needed.

    Ive yet to meet a landie owner, ( 2nd hand ones not those new ones owned by stuffyshirts who dont wave when we pass each other,,,,,but i digress), who aint shelled out once its done a few miles and the previous owners Tart up job wears off. but as we all know, once you own one be prepared to...
  15. ZoNeHeaD®

    What to Look for when Buying a V8

    Another issue is the general condition of the vehicle. You can always get a new Engine. But if the bulkhead is shot & rot on the underside in key areas well documented, is more important.
  16. ZoNeHeaD®

    Bang... Smoke.... Help

    Muhahaha @ landrover11019 - nice one thats the way to do it! hit em where it hurts. I bet that manager watched his sales drain away cos some lunatic outside his showroom with placards LOL muhahahaha!
  17. ZoNeHeaD®

    What to Look for when Buying a V8

    yes good test cos it'll highlight alot of fuel/transmission faults.
  18. ZoNeHeaD®

    What to Look for when Buying a V8

    This is wot I did : Lets assume the bodywork is ok and focus on the lump. popped the bonnet & checked the oil level/colour. Checked the colour of residue in the rocker cover (oil filler cap off) is it light brown/dark brown/black? black isnt good ehe. Check the Sump & transmission sumps...
  19. ZoNeHeaD®

    New guy in Wilts.

    Welcome to Landyzone. For plebs like me this site is our Temple.