
New Member
Hello all,
Im craby and a proper Landrover mong from wilts, as my ex wife blew up my zafira I decided to never buy a new car again and get something that can take a kicking from any future ex wife (Wives). So im now a discovery 1 owner and really pleased with the choice though I really want a defender but until I learn with this one I'll wait.

I look forward to chatting to you and asking insane questions ha ha
Welcome to landyzone.:welcome2:

At least you live in the right place to test your vehicle.;)
Yes I do, salisbury plain is just across the road and my burst tyre knows it ha ha actually the whole thing does hence in the garage today due to me driving it like i stole it! its over heating big style but oh well...lucky I laugh at life hey! haha
Hello all,
Im craby and a proper Landrover mong from wilts, as my ex wife blew up my zafira I decided to never buy a new car again and get something that can take a kicking from any future ex wife (Wives). So im now a discovery 1 owner and really pleased with the choice though I really want a defender but until I learn with this one I'll wait.

I look forward to chatting to you and asking insane questions ha ha
are you one of them stupid squaddies ...?

if so can you borrow me a tank to come and run over you and your landy please emmett:mooning::mil80:
Thanks for the welcome, especially beast o sure im going to be a great fan of you work.
lol, you're on fine form today my little cherub:D:D

ferkin hate kin squaddies or commandos or what ever..bunch o pooffs.

live next to base and they is supposed to be the noddin best but an me mate raced some.25mile coast path run,50mile bike an mate ****ed all over em.They came back for more a week later all mouth and 60 miles of mtbing soon put pay to them.:D
one came in with a "broken "crank arm on his new 2k push bike.I soon worked out he had wound a left hand thread in a right hand hole.When i asked him what he did he replied "im a frame engineer on merlin helicopters"

so fair game they is bird cos they is fik an fat innit:D

so you near Bulford camp hey?

me and a couple of mates go regularly to the plains, usually starting in Bulford Camp or on the other size at Everleigh

ferkin hate kin squaddies or commandos or what ever..bunch o pooffs.

live next to base and they is supposed to be the noddin best but an me mate raced some.25mile coast path run,50mile bike an mate ****ed all over em.They came back for more a week later all mouth and 60 miles of mtbing soon put pay to them.:D
one came in with a "broken "crank arm on his new 2k push bike.I soon worked out he had wound a left hand thread in a right hand hole.When i asked him what he did he replied "im a frame engineer on merlin helicopters"

so fair game they is bird cos they is fik an fat innit:D

At what point did you decide that you could talk to me like I was a piece of dirt? poof hey? well you remind me off a few people I have met in my time and they are the ones who didnt make the first day or maybe not even the interview, at a guess due to bad attitude, unable to mix with the children etc and then remain bitter for the rest of their days. You will deny this but your a classic.

Ive noticed that you are quite the hard man behind the computer screen with the door locked and the curtains closed I admire your bottle big man.

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