1. lewist1993

    What size and makes of mig welder

    Got a snapon 187, which snapon claim can run from a 13 amp plug, made by cebora great quality mig but bit expensive to occasional use.
  2. lewist1993

    Strata florida this weekend

    Hi guys, I know it's short notice, but there's a couple of us going lanning around strata florida this weekend, we will be doing strata on saturday and happy valley area on sunday, anyway, long story short we've got 3 spaces free if anyone fancies coming along, either sat sun or both? I've got...
  3. lewist1993

    Strata florida info

    Erwbarfe Farm Caravan Park Mid Wales Home Best camp site in the area, and precsila even gives a discount to offroaders.
  4. lewist1993


    Remove stat and run without. Wait for it to cool first though
  5. lewist1993

    Urgent -- Immobiliser

    I'm here! If Im willing to help if there's anything I can do, no knowledge of landy immobilisers though. Have got a snapon ethos not sure if it will code fob though. If nothing else I know a couple of local garages who may be able to do it. Lewis
  6. lewist1993

    Do you have to replace pads when doing discs?

    It's best practice to replace pads with disks, but ultimately it's your car so if you wish to refit the pads it's your choice as they won't suddenly not work, maybe not work as well but not stop working altogether.
  7. lewist1993

    2.25 fuel filter diesel, ramsbottom lancs

    Have you got any details of the car? Reg ect, not got one myself but dont mind ringing round localy to sorce one then running it over to rammy fot you.
  8. lewist1993

    landrovers not permanent 4x4 drive

    Nope, they are perminant 4x4 however without the difflock in the center diff allows loss of traction at any one wheel to spin off all power resulting in no drive to other wheels. When placed in diff lock it splits drive 50/50 front and rear so requires one wheel on each axle to lose traction to...
  9. lewist1993

    copper washers under the injectors

    You can get a special tool for removing injector washers for not much money off eBay or from a local motor factors.
  10. lewist1993

    Yorkshire Christmas Laning Trip

    Atleast it's better than a freelancer driver pushing you lol
  11. lewist1993

    Yorkshire Christmas Laning Trip

    :rulez:If in doubt, Flat out :rolly: Damage not to bad after pushing the dents back out, just a wheel arch to fiberglass and a few scratches. Few pics from me Last time mine was seen damage free And the damage Rest of the pics here. Landyzone Yorks Christmas...
  12. lewist1993

    Yorkshire Christmas Laning Trip

    Ive got some pics, will put some up tonight, including be damage.
  13. lewist1993

    Yorkshire Christmas Laning Trip

    Had a great days lanning today, despite my damage and even during the damage my little sportrak didn't get stuck, all in all I think it held its own playing with the big trucks. (Still want a 110 though) Thanks to the organiser (suew?), to the leaders (sorry I'm rubbish with names) and to the...
  14. lewist1993

    Yorkshire Christmas Laning Trip

    And me.
  15. lewist1993

    Yorkshire Christmas Laning Trip

    I've managed to get the sporty up parkamoor in the lakes, so I'm more than willing give out a try.
  16. lewist1993

    Yorkshire Christmas Laning Trip

    Fair enough, I understand where your coming from. Can I atleast ask what are we're doing? Moors, wolds, dales, holmfirth? Just trying to work out how much fuel I need.
  17. lewist1993

    Yorkshire Christmas Laning Trip

    Do we know the meeting point and time on the Sunday yet? Any chance you could send me a copy of the overlay aswell please if your using memory map, just wana have a nosey where we're going.
  18. lewist1993

    Yorkshire Christmas Laning Trip

    Just to confirm I'm still coming btw, trucks decorated ready.
  19. lewist1993

    Yorkshire Christmas Laning Trip

    Got a snapon ethos here that claims to do defenders, will being it along