
Active Member
Hi All,

Whilst replacing the upper top mount bearings on the Freelander I noticed that the discs are I need of replacing. The pads were done not long ago and I want to ask whether you have to do pads at the same time like the car part shops tell you or is that them just trying to get me spending even more of my hard earned money?

It's best practice to replace pads with disks, but ultimately it's your car so if you wish to refit the pads it's your choice as they won't suddenly not work, maybe not work as well but not stop working altogether.
I cant see why you should, especially if the pads are nearly new, I mean you don't replace disc's if changing pads, so why do the other way around
I cant see why you should, especially if the pads are nearly new, I mean you don't replace disc's if changing pads, so why do the other way around

That was exactly what I was thinking when I posted the question. Given the pads are good I will just reuse them.

I'd check those pads very carefully. Uneven wear on a disc will make the pads wear unevenly and they won't work too well with new discs
I'd check those pads very carefully. Uneven wear on a disc will make the pads wear unevenly and they won't work too well with new discs

Worst still, the unevenly worn pads can damage the new discs!!
It's good practice to replace pads with the discs. If you don't want to replace the pads, the least you should do is flat them by rubbing them on abrasive paper over a known flat surface.
or keep them to use next time when discs are worn, and have even less braking efficiency, its not your safety, but the safety of the person you might hit because you skimped on your brakes, its what can you live with on your conscience.
clean the old pads up, and reface them using emery cloth on a good flat surface, as has been said before. Anything over 50% worn we would replace otherwise reuse as long as they are fine and have not overheated or cracked at all.
for about £20 is it worth taking a risk , I know they are not old, but they will take some time to bed in.
Swap em. A set of pads is cheaper than replacing trashed discs. Just keep the others to put back on when there settled in.
yup for no more than £20 just replace the pads....saves you messing about again......
I recently did mine. got disks and pads (Mintex) in a set for £52 inc postage from ebay. Much better braking since they were replaced. You have to take the pads out anyway and if the disks are u/s then they will probably have worn the edges off and grooved them.

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