1. woogoo

    Sorry - Yet another EAS question!

    Can I suggest you check to see if the sensor arms aren't bent, or it hasn't come loose on its mountings, as this may explain the odd behaviour.
  2. woogoo

    EAS software and cables.

    Yes I did make that offer (not to sure about the time scale though :D ) but you may recall it was dropped in favour of RSW's Rover All Comms project which at the time was reported to be due in a matter of weeks. Regardless of that I'm not here to get in to a bun fight with anyone, but I am...
  3. woogoo

    EAS software and cables.

    I don't think there are copyright issues I know there are and therefore I assume you are intending to comply with RSW's re-distribution agreement. I suspect most people don't, but as a Software Engineer I give these things consideration as a matter of course. In an ideal world everyone that...
  4. woogoo

    EAS software and cables.

    Well with all due respect don't you think that's pointless, it would make more sense to have a single CD that did / had everything on it. Also, what goes on the CD, apart from the obvious there are issues regarding copyright for the content, as the majority of it (the copyright) would belong to...
  5. woogoo

    EAS software and cables.

    Errrm what does this mean? I could produce a CD but as I don't supply cables it would be a pointless exercise. However, and am willing to help anyone else who wants to take up the idea.
  6. woogoo

    Shocking service from Stratstone Land Rover Burnham

    Well words cannot describe the service I got from the Stratstone Dealership in Perth, to say it was shocking would be an understatement. But knowing what I know about them now I would rather suck out my eyeballs and fill the empty sockets with molten glass than go back to them.
  7. woogoo

    EAS software and cables.

    Hey, don't take my posting the wrong way, I am not having a dig at your or anyone's ability. I am aware that there are plenty of resources on the Net for the EAS but that's kind of the point. They are on the Net and not available in a single location. If you give it some thought how easy...
  8. woogoo

    remote start p38

    You would need a Toad (type) immobiliser to do this. Or you send the wife out!
  9. woogoo

    Update on my EAS problem, urgent help required now please

    Hi, I too have been a victim of garages (including the Main Dealer) incompetence at resolving EAS problems and I have learnt a fair bit about the EAS as a result. Having read these posts I think you will find that all that is needed to resolve this issue it to have the EAS calibrated...
  10. woogoo

    EAS software and cables.

    Regardless of who provides the cable and connectors the quality of the work in making them is also very important. It's all very well having quality parts but if the soldering is naff then it's a bit of a moot point. What would be useful to include on any CD would be a step by step guide on...
  11. woogoo

    Help please......insurance time !!!!

    Try admiral for a multi car policy, I have one for my and escort, RR, and BMW 750 they are the mutts nuts and that's dual drivers as well!
  12. woogoo

    Off topic I know but VERY relevant.

    Yes I agree with you there it would be great to catch the thieving git in progress but provided that this 'feature' could only be enabled when the phone was reported lost or stolen. Other wise it's just a bit to sinister for my taste but each to their own.
  13. woogoo

    Off topic I know but VERY relevant.

    I'm good J thanks for asking, how's Wammers and that fat bastid THC?
  14. woogoo

    Off topic I know but VERY relevant.

    For those of you that have an iPhone you may want to read this: And if you don't but are thinking of getting one, read on. Steve Jobs Is Watching You: Apple Seeking to Patent Spyware | Electronic Frontier Foundation
  15. woogoo

    Long time no speak. You guys seen this?

    Well in all fairness to Mr. W it can't be cheap doing this, getting prototypes build is not done for nothing. Plus all the hours of time he has put into it. Mind you there is a point in time that the overall cost of ownership becomes pointless if you have to factor in the cost of a laptop as...
  16. woogoo

    Long time no speak. You guys seen this?

    http://www.rswsolutions.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=1&Itemid=18 This looks to be a very promising product, I just hope the cost is reasonable.
  17. woogoo

    Ultimate Fuel. An Experiment

    That's a great offer and my son will be quite pleased to have his own Range Rover for the next 10 years, what with no servicing, tax etc., and with only paying for the fuel he'll be quids in. I'll PM you regarding the collection of it from Normandy, and we can kill two birds with the one stone...
  18. woogoo

    In tank pump

    I had my tank pump replaced some time ago by the garage and they dropped the tank to do it. When I got the car back I went off to fill it up, and left about 20 litres of diesel on the forecourt. :eek: Oh! they were none to pleased, had to shut the garage down, cordon it off etc. while they...
  19. woogoo

    Ultimate Fuel. An Experiment

    That's a fair comment and I am well aware that there is a possibility that the outcome can be influenced simply by perception and my assumed expectations, but I have had the car for 4 years and I know it inside out and as a consequence I feel comfortable and confident in saying what I did. But...
  20. woogoo

    Ultimate Fuel. An Experiment

    The only think I like about after market air filters is the extra noise, it's somewhat reminiscent of an old man with a phlegmy chest running up a hill. But £40 for a sound effect, I think the money could be better spent.