1. Ritch

    Compression test info needed

    Whats the best way to ground the coil ht lead when carrying out a CT on a 3.9 V8? Haynes sugests making up a fly lead? Would this then be just connected to any earth point on the block? Is there a simpler way? Cheers, Ritchie.
  2. Ritch

    disco 300 sub

    Did the sub work before? If it did I would recheck all your connections. Might be an idea to check you're adjusting the right menu on the new stereo? Do you have to enable the line outs or anything daft like that? Trust me, the subs make a huge difference, especially when you're motoring and all...
  3. Ritch

    disco 300 sub

    Thats the one, red core, black outer! How you achieve the rest is upto the individual. My new head unit has a little feature where it keeps playing for 5 seconds or so when the key is removed from the ignition but of course the power cuts instantly to the amp/subs. The difference those two...
  4. Ritch

    disco 300 sub

    I have just done this with my new chrimbo pressie. It is possible to get a plug in connector off a guy on ebay but he wants £12 or so and I am far too tight for that. You need to connect the line out or sub out connection from your new head unit to the red and black wires as stated in...
  5. Ritch

    Oil/Water pressure gauges

    Good points well presented but I still want one so I can keep an eye on things mainly when towing long distances. I've had such things in vehicles before and know how to read what they are saying. Totally agree with the analogy of the clueless jag owner and can see why they are omitted. On the...
  6. Ritch

    Oil/Water pressure gauges

    BB - apologies for my my toss description, the pics at the bottom of the page in your second link. I have that sort of dash is what I was trying to say. Redhand - cheers, any idea where I can purchase such an item or is it fairly standard and widely available? Thats what i'm after as long as...
  7. Ritch

    Oil/Water pressure gauges

    That is prob a bit too in yer face for what i'm after i think? I'm more trying to find out an easy way to plumb them in, does anyone know an easy place to take off a feed for the senders? I recall reading something about a particular point to check the oil pressure and thought this would be...
  8. Ritch

    Oil/Water pressure gauges

    I'm wanting to fit a couple of discrete gauges to keep an eye on things. Any tips on where is the best place to tap into the oil and water system on a 96 3.9 V8? Any recommendations for gauge? Ideally a tiny digital readout would do as I don't want it to look like an F16. Cheers Ritchie
  9. Ritch

    Range rover LPG/Insurance

    I have a three position switch in my disco which allows starting and running on petrol,starting and running on gas, starting petrol then gas switchover. The starting on petrol thing is to allow the coolant to warm up prior to gas use as it is this that heats the vapouriser. If this is not...
  10. Ritch

    Fuel pump stayig on???

    Thats what i thought too, gonna have a look for the relay i thinks.
  11. Ritch

    Fuel pump stayig on???

    Have noticed when i park the truck up that the fuel pump is staying on for 5 mins or so despite it being off and locked up! I'm assuming it is the fuel pump as i can't see what other motor is down the back? Like i say, it hums away for 5 mins or so following shut down. It s a Disco 1, 96 model...
  12. Ritch

    Anyone got TomTom?

    You are a gent, many thanks. Works perfect on my SPV m700 ppc with TT 6.
  13. Ritch

    Anyone got TomTom?

    I'm just a noob but would love a copy if poss! YHPM. Cheers :D
  14. Ritch

    am i floggin a dead hosre

    another vote for sticky corroded brakes. won't clear up completely till you've had a good few applications of the brakes.
  15. Ritch

    Replacing the boot floor

    Added to favourites, top thread this. If nothing else than to make me feel better about my brown bits :D
  16. Ritch

    V8 timing

    Cheers Kaos, Downloading them now.
  17. Ritch

    V8 timing

    Cheers guys, Went out tonight and had a good old nose around only to find under the grime and muck some timing markings! So I have a nicely timed up V8 now (5BTDC) and it idles rock steady. Only had time for a little run out but it seems to run fine on petrol and gas. It had been timed up...
  18. Ritch


    LOL, I was told pajero means tosser to the spaniards so I spose thats about the same thing? I have been very tempted to go visit the last owner and shoot his dogs as payback for my stinky carpets! :D Prob been a bit paranoid about it all now TBH. I have some bodywork issues (car not me...
  19. Ritch


    Hi all, I've just posted a query on setting up the timing on a 96 V8 disco in the "discovery" section but thought I'd say hi in here too. Had the motor a couple of months now and already been to Brittany and back in her. I've got lots of things to sort out over the coming months and am...
  20. Ritch

    V8 timing

    Hi all, I'm wanting to check/adjust the timing on my recently acquired 96 v8 disco but unsure what the marks indicate. My Haynes suggested I would find a lovely TDC mark with degrees either side but this is not the case. All I can find when looking down at the crankshaft pulley from the...